Is it possible for a woman to catch "spayed"?

i know this is a strange question but i be wondering if it is possible for a woman to get spayed so she wouldn't get hold of her period, or be capable of get pregnant, etc.

i'd predict it would be really painful but i be wondering if its possible and if anyone has get it done

Girls only! guys if u answer i will report u!?

Basically, in attendance are several options for irreparable sterilization for women. The most radical is a hysterectomy, the removal of the uterus and piece of the fallopian tubes. With this procedure, you would be sterile (no babies) and have no time of year; however, few doctors will perform them electively. The rescue can be bad.

The subsequent option is tubal ligation, have the fallopian tubes either cut or tied. This prevents pregnancy and can get periods slightly better. Or it can be combined beside ablation, the cauterization of the uterine lining. This prevents period; however, it is somewhat painful and the bin liner may grow back if you are immature. Recovery for both procedures is shorter than for a hysterectomy.

The third choice is Essure, nickel coils that permanently block the tubes. This is resembling tubal ligation, but with a salvage time of less than 48 hours and no scare and no anesthesia required. Ablation can also be done with Essure, but just specific types. This lengths seizure time. Unlike a tubal, Essure is not instantaneous. It may require up to six months to render you completely sterile.

Talk to your doctor for more information. I intend to choose Essure for myself, hopefully some time this fall. Good luck!

Girls one and only, please?

i think it is possible,but im not sure :(

Can someone sustain me !!plzzz Girls only!!?

A women can capture her tubes tied so she cannot get pregnant.

Sex beside a guy - feels similar to he "hitting" something - PAINFUL? what is it?

yes, they call it getting your tubes tied. it a short time ago makes it so the undamaged process of ovulation is messed up because it doesn't follow some of the important traveling that the egg desires to. i wouldn't do it though, you could want kids later on surrounded by life and regret that ruling.

I had bleeding 2 weeks earlier my period is due and it last 4 and a half days also vomitted once.?

It's call a hysterectomy.

Am i having discharge?

Ummm! you hold to be a guy, ! Spayed is for cats and dogs, There is a procedure that is used that cauterizes the inside of a individuals uterus, and I believe that it does what you are talking more or less, Not done unless the Dr. has adjectives the I's dotted and T's crossed.

GIRLS ONLY!! Which ones to use?

Yes of course it's possible and millions of women enjoy had it done.

It's agreed as oophorectomy, and involves the removal of the ovaries. It's then impossible for a woman to take pregnant and her periods will stop.

Depending on the output of testosterone from her adrenal glands she may next start to develop male-type characteristics such as moustache and beard growth, unless she takes hormone replacement dream therapy.

A question nearly that time of the month?

It is called hysterectomy. It is vastly painful and is MAJOR SURGERY. It should lone be done
for serious MEDICAL problems. There are several types of birth control avilable. Some can make period less frequent or smaller amount intense. There is a surgery that works as permenant birth control. It can't be reversed and should only be done surrounded by your mid 20s. It is refered to as getting your "tubes tied". In my openion, surgery is not to be taken lightly. Check adjectives your options next to a good dr. and individual then settle on.

Skipped period!! Is this mundane for a teen?

Spaying is for animals.
There is a procedure - getting your tubes tied does not mean in that will be no period, you still achieve a period monthly, but will not know how to have a newborn.
A complete removal of reproductive organs is the only mode to have no babies or extent - in New Zealand we christen this a hysterectomy.
There is always the injection - in NZ it is call Depo Provera, you get it injected once every 3 months, it stops your time, and protects against pregnancy - and as soon as you wish to enjoy babies, just stop the injections. Of course near will be side effects, on this one the most common one is putting on counterbalance. If you are young, I would reccomend using this one, if you are over 40 - consequently consider another option as the elder you are the bigger the side effect risks. good luck anything you decide.

Men stronger than women?

A hysterectomy would be the best passageway to "spay" a woman. A whole one removes the adjectives uterus, you have to be in motion through hormone replacement therapy, don't own menopause, and your body goes through significant change. My mother had one done after I be born and they have found cancer cause problems with the HRT patch she used for all those years, not a outstandingly fun thing.
There are also partials which I believe still supply you periods, but not sure. Either channel, both are extensive, would be easier to have your tubes tied or be on birth control.

Question for girls single about some cramp problems i'm have?

It is called an hysterectomy.
I hold'nt had it done so i can't comment but i see it being reasonably uncomfortable.

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