Men stronger than women?

Why does everyone think that men are stronger than women! I indicate women aren't suposse to have 6 pack or anything like that but wmen can be stronger and not enjoy muscles or anything like that?

Can anyone recount me why when i wear a tampon i bleed bad but beside pads not at adjectives?

Because men are just genetically programmed to intrinsically have more muscle mass than women. Women want a higher body flab percentage to be healthy, etc. That's not to utter that a woman can't be stronger than a man, but usually the man is going to be stronger physically than a woman. That's just how it is.

What birthcontrol should i try?

The average man can raise more than the average woman.

Yes, there are exceptions.

By the route:
The average guy can run faster (but not longer),
can punch/hit/stab harder, is taller, is more
phyically coordinated and probably smellier.
There is a lot of debate over how gender
effects ability in math and science, but at least
within the current culture, guys have tend in the past
to rack up higher than women. This is shifting.

The average woman is more social, can sit
still longer and perform more repetitive bustle.
She usually scores better contained by reading comprehension.
She can survive without food longer and can
exercize for longer.

Human masculinity strong points are entirely predictable if
you think nearly how the species evolved and fed
itself (guys as hunters, women as babysitters and

The fact that society have changed the requirements
for survival and that male aggression is turning out
to be a liability, where on earth female socialization is turning
out to be an asset in corporate supervision - these
facts don't change the genome. Only time and
environment will regulation the genome.

Read "Are Men Really Necessary" by Maureen Dowd.

Any good planning for loosing weight next to PCOS?

What is your question? kinda already answered it

If you own your period, can you exercise?

i ponder the saying manner that men can build more muscle. im sure its not sexist

Tampons do they hurt?

Mostly yes

Birth control hormones?

men are but there are some great stuff roughly speaking women too

Having sex with an extremely full bladder?

Men ARE stronger than women because the TYPE of MUSCLE TISSUE within men is different than in women and it is 2 to 3 times stronger than contained by women.

The fibers are shorter and thicker in men than within women which is why women have smooth muscle surrounded by their arms and men have bulging muscles in their arms... and I don't comfort how much women want to believe they are physically equal to a man IT JUST ISN'T SO...

I've been on the depo shot for a litle over two years and haven't have a period surrounded by that whole time?

It's a reality that men in common are stronger, but there are a few freakishly strong women that are an exception to the rule. And not really. Both freakishly strong women I've certain had far more muscle than average.

Damn my ovarian cyst hurts today does anyone else own this problem?

Sure they can. Men have a secure kind of gland contained by their bodies which makes them work, look, and talk close to a man. With the proper working out a women can be MUCH stronger than a man, with little or no working out.

Birth Control: What do you reccomend?

that is true especialy at a younger age girls ripened faster than boys they are much taller and stronger at that age and can do serious damage to a boy at that age but after testosterone starts to play a big role as boys age and thats when we get stronger

Is near a supplement.?

because as a general statement, men are stronger than women. body composition and hormonal differences tend to engender men more musclualr than women.. its proven science, not a matter of assessment.

OBGYN question?

I know- I get so freaking ticked off when relations would always utter its a FACT that men are always stronger than girls, but I get over it cause girls are stronger contained by a lot of other ways and you can still be super strong and athletic anyways- don't let it become true contained by your mind. make sense? probably unashamed...

SERIOUS ONLY my new friend is unbelievably large, and when we own intercourse it ends up being uncomfortable for him.?

Sorry sweetie, but no matter how much the feminists want it to be otherwise, men will other be physically stronger than women. It's just the route they're built. They have more muscle mass, that`s why are naturally stronger, even if they don't work out. Even if a man and a woman hold equal amounts of weight to lose, the man will lose more substance, and often quicker, than the woman. They be designed that way...made to work. Now, equally, women are emotionally stronger, and are more apt to stick with the course they've set for themselves, which is why a woman can take a child for nine months and hold a full-time job AND run a household too. We know how to multi-task, which take a different kind of strength. Working together, here's nothing a man and a woman can't do. <*)))><

I draw from really horrible cramps?

hmm i think women are stronger later men in some ways and men are stronger later women in others.

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