Do girls get their period on all at matching time based on who they live near?

I also heard that this time of year is somehow based on some sort of lunar programme. Is any of that true? Lastly, I once heard that girls hold this period because of the smell of men's urine.


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any girls that hang up around each other like mad, get contained by sync. Also females in one and the same home, fertile or not get hormonally within sync and tend to have pms symtoms at alike time.
Neat huh?!!

Is there such point?

its possible for females to have similar extent cycles if they hang out or live beside the same group of females. this is due o hormones mixing next to other hormones.

How to increase breast size and gain weight.?

yes it could begin. it happened to my group of friends, we adjectives got our term on the same weekend. i agree beside the first answer, it has something to do near hormones.

Should i wear a bra?

Yes this can happen - not the urine entity though

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    Hey.. umm i consistency a short time embaressed posting this.. but yesterday i have sex for the first time...?

    Kind of embarresing?

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