Women only back?

ever sence i started my period i am enormously sexual is that normal?

Can anyone recommend a accurate over the counter pill or vitamin?

I was up to that time my period started, I don't suppose starting your cycle has anything to do beside it.

Just enjoy it and move about out there and enjoy fun. Feed your urges. I did and I don't look back near a single regret. Well I did sleep with my lecturer once, that was a bummer, but he give me an A so worked out ok.

I also recommend a vibrator or dildo. Baby you can't go wrong next to those, they are always within for you, they are always tricky for you, and size does matter child.

Plz not a soul is answering i need to know, no nerves surrounded by hymen?

sure your hormones gho crazy, just swot to control it

Kind of a stupid question but is here anything that will make ur chest bigger?that if truth be told works?!?


Please Help Me QUICK!? (GIRLS ONLY)?

you mean the first time you started it, or whenever you are going to start it?

When I am around that time of month, I return with super duper "sexual"..its hormonal.

Is it possible to be pregnant with a cynical hpt and a month of no period?


Fibroid removal?

lol yeah..hormones..and probably deficiency of sex

Blood starts at the string of the tampon/misses the tampon?

No. But I don't doubt kids use that as an excuse.....

Does geting boob jobs hurt?

yes i agree near the response below!..its normal.. =]

Yeast Infection? How do you enlighten if you have one?

No -not really.You probably a short time ago feel more close to a woman and want to try out your sexual powers.

The best way to lose substance?

umm.. not really

What is the best way to achieve tan?

yes it's ordinary in adjectives women. the hormonal imbalance make you begin to feel and wonder. But it's completely normal and vary for every woman. Some more than others.

Can all ladies bear 9 or 10 inches? honest question, really would resembling to know. I think yes.?

Have you ever hear the redneck term "If she's feeble enough to bleed, she's hoary enough to breed"? lol.

Well, it does hold some truth. Because the style a woman/girl knows that she is fertile is because she have had a spell. It means that you enjoy an unfertilized egg being released, which cause a period (bleeding for 5-7 days).

You are fertile in a minute, and you can get pregnant! So be cautious, and use condoms if you have sex.


Mommy sustain!?

why of course, your hormones are acting up at this age. it's without a flaw normal because like mad of girls are just approaching you.
be sure to keep secure!

What causes a bleeding bottom?


Hair near :S ?

I don't think near is anything wrong with one sexual. Getting you period tell you that your body is ready to enjoy kids. Just be carefull. OK?

Sex, how does it feel and what do partially the words mean?

it's inherent. your body is ready to reproduce...not that you should. ha! but becuase you are physically in place your body sends out hormones that make you want to. we're animals; this is what we are supposed to do.

i usually grain very sexual roughly speaking a week before and a week after my spell.

Please HELP!?

Yes it normal. You should start to revise how to control yourself from being sexual craving.

How affective is contraceptive motion picture?

Your starting your periohd means that you own hormones raging through your body. Hormones are normal. Sexual behavior is not "normal" or "not normal". Your sexual change, sexual feelings and desires are commonplace. How you react and behave is a CHOICE. It is not other wise or SAFE. I know nought of your spiritual or religious beliefs. I only know going on for safety.
There are oodles, many ways to contract with you're body's vibrations. Safe ways. There is nothing wrong near finding out for yourself, with yourself, what feel good. Masterbation doesn't inflict blindness AND IT DOESN'T PUT YOU AT RISK FOR STDs. Please be careful!

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