Yeast Infection? How do you tell if you own one?

I've never had a yeast infection previously but someone told me that my symptoms describe a yeast infection. I have a gelatinous white discharges, but it doesnt smell bad or anything and up to that time the discharge appeared it was really itchy down in attendance. Is that a yeast infetcion?

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Go to Walgreen's or Eckerd and return with Monostat cream..I had one once and it be SO itchy!! You can use ice for the itching and the discharge be white cottage-cheese looking no bad ordor..if you're not sure jump see your doctor..remember to wipe front to back!(that's what he's gonna report to you)

Wen will i get my time!?

you have to turn to a doctor, cannot tell you if you own a yeast infection!

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feels like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized in your vagina and vulva. this itching is not other present, but can get really bleak, so bad you can just about walk, agree to alone ride your bike to the pharmacy or doctor to get it treated.

looks close to clumpy nasty white stuff. most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can breadth from thick and not clumpy to subtly yellow to shrill and clear.

smells like bread or beer. surrounded by fact, it smells pretty much exactly approaching yeast, although the yeast used in brewing and baking is an entirely different species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). no microbes could smell like that, so it's a great diagnostic.

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sounds similar to it.

Please help me! Period problem?

Sounds approaching a yeast infection but I would go to the doctor and find out for sure.

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