What is a vagina?

i just really wanna know, ive be out of the loop for all my existence im forty and i just just this minute found out what a nipple was! HELP! ASAP

Help me please?

the hole where on earth a woman gets her time of year and has babies.

What do girls lust for most surrounded by men? (Ladies, good request for information, not perverted!)?

I think its similar to a can

Is it necessary for the man and the woman to ?

its a woman genitalia

Can the strong smell from my vagina be allied to my IUD and can it be harmful?

That is what is obscured in Michael Jackson's dress.

Is masturbating for girls a sin?

Man's greatest mystery.

Abortion contriversry?

You enjoy to be a guy, because if you were a woman, you'd own had your length long ago, and found your vagina.

The vagina is a woman's genitals, the tunnel where you insert your penis when have sex.

I suggest you google this for more information from medical sites.

Uncomfy during sex?

it's what females have between their legs.

Who have had experiences beside Plan B?

Look in a mirror. That's your answer...

What is "Charting"?

Its where on earth babies come from.

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