How affective is contraceptive motion picture?

Hi, we would like to try something that prevents pregnancy( I be on the pill, but have be off for 6 months, but planning to bring back back on), but short the friction of using a condom. Is film affective? And any other suggestions?

Does it wreak bladder infections?

The film is for a time two inch by two inch thin sheet near a chemical that kills sperm (a chemical call nonoxynol-9). It is placed on or near the cervix (the first showing of the womb). It dissolves in second. Among typical couples who initiate use of vaginal spermicide, 29 percent of women will experience an accidental pregnancy within the first year. If vaginal spermicide is used consistently and correctly, about 18 percent of women will become pregnant. This method is most potent when used in combination near condoms. Complete information about show is available through your clinic, your clinician, or the package insert accompanying vaginal contraceptive motion picture

The medicine and vigour information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical direction or treatment for any medical conditions.

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