Is masturbating against Christianity?


I want to be BRAtiful when i wear this new tube-top!?

No method. If God made us then he must own given us the feelignot want to maturbate, and if he did give it to us, it must be because he wanted us to enjoy the feeling/do it...

How and what do you use to masturbate?-for girls?

uh i dont think so, God made ur body right?

Cervical cancer forgiving looking for support from other women?

If it feels angelic and you look good doing it, it's not wrong. Don't consent to any book or religion tell you what's right, wrong or impious.

If your happy inside and not a soul is getting hurt, it can't be wrong. Typically the ones that shout out the most on how bad it is, are usually the ones doing it the most themselves.

Now, be a accurate Christian and pass the money collection box to your neighbor.

Is it bleak to cross your legs?

not against christianity but is considered a sin. Still it feels upright I just ask forgiveness after. I ruminate its more like procrastination...I mingy both seem close to a good theory at the time but in the ruin your fing yourself LOL

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