How do i gain counterbalance near out consumption the wrong foods will smokeing pot comfort?

a few have told me that doctors can confer people a script for goverment pot im not sure how that works and i also own breathing problems so i dont think that is pious for me

Answers:    Try to add something such as a protein shake to your diet everyday. Also, guzzle foods that are "healthy" but have alot of calories such as nuts, red meat, pasta.
Seeing as pot smokers chomp through a lot of Doritos I deduce that would qualify as "eating the wrong foods". You don't requirement to smoke pot although it would definitely stimulate your appetite. Try drinking calorie dense foods like nuts and integral grains to gain shipment in a more tough manner. Maybe try some whey protein smoothies too.
Pot surely wont lend a hand you gain weight, infact it will fashion it even harder to pick up.
I had like problem. Smoking sigarettes aswell as weed mabe it impossible to pick up weight and I weigh 18kg when I was 18 and am amazingly short.
I ate allot but nothing seem to be to happen, not even a slight adapt, docters gave me a shake that you drink contained by mornings, helps allot though and exercising puts adjectives youre food in place and can single do good!
I am 23 in a minute and am actualy exercising to loose a bit of weight, more of a strength thing realy!

So if you are realy lower than weight, try pastas- the are dutiful for picking up weight surrounded by a healthy track, dont drink Coke Cola- it will only build it worse and then utter thanks to God for youre decent body but ask him at the same time to support youre problems and help out you out, you know he is the only one that can!

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