Are there any ways to preferrably concieve a BOY instead of a girl?

Positions, Days of the month, etc? I already have 3 striking girls but I want to have a boy, does anyone know any tips?

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I have read tons articles on this. I saw one study that suggested that men who masturbate regularly have a high incidence of conceiving male children. Masturbation flushes out sperm, especially the XX sperm, responsible for womanly offspring. This leaves more room for XY sperm, or Male sperm. This happen because the XY sperm is heavier, causing the XX sperm to be expelled first. So Have your man ejaculate as heaps times as possible, or have sex near a guy whose family is not respectable for having boys, approaching me. J/K

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Women ejaculation is concern of pleasure or related to womens health?

That is interesting because "boy chromosomes" are better swimmers and can receive to the egg quicker and easier than "girl chromosomes". What I have read to be precise about 80% restructured in have a boy is to have intercourse as close to your top ovulation day as possible. If you do that, your "boy chromies" will attain to the egg quickly because they are faster. Usually your cervical fluid and your wake temperature will describe you when you are at your peak hours of daylight. You should be looking for a high horizontal of egg whitish fluid that stretches between your fingertips. That would be the best day for you to hold intercourse. Don't have it up to that time that.

And for the opposite, if you want girls the best opening is to have intercourse as far away prior to your top ovulation day as possible because "girl chromies" can outlast the "boy chromies".

Good luck!!

Why am I bleeding? I'm 12 years aged, every once in a while blood comes out of my private.?

figure this out what age you be when you concieved and the month if it's even it's usually a girl if odd it a boy. worth trying?

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