Itchy vagina?

I had sex around 10 days ago and the day after I felt ok. I completed up getting a period a few days after, which is well brought-up, I know I'm not pregnant, but I usually never get a time. My vagina has be really itchy, almost to the point of it being sensitive of raw. I haven't really have any discharge, although I did just draw from over my period. It have kind of a smell to it, but not too desperate. Does anyone think it could be a yeast infection or anything similar to that? Can those be caused by sex? I also merely got over a urinary tract infection a few weeks ago, could it hold anything to do with it? Should I merely wait and see what happen or buy some sort of yeast infection medicine or anything? I can't afford to shift see a gyno or anything, and I'm not sure of any clinics around, so I'm hoping some of you will be able to bestow me some advice and possibly some suggestions of what could be wrong, maybe someone have experienced this before too. I'm not totally worried however, but I've just never experienced this in the past..


Would this be a good hypothesis?

Yeast usually doesn't have an odor but other infections do. The simply way to find out what's going on next to your body is to go catch a check-up & have some trial run. You can call planned paternity, who can direct or help you near your problem @ a low cost. You shouldn't wait or adopt advise on when it comes to your condition.

Another pill question?

Go carry a pap smear.asap

I am really tag sensitiveand am have a BIG problem with wearing a bra. It is SO discomfited. Help!?

I don't know.

Please could some one help me ive be bleeding for just over 1month?

It is drastically possible that the infection could have come back. You can walk to the doctor with this to see what is it. If it turns out to be that one of the infections is hindmost. Or you know that is what it is, I can put in the picture you what to do to get rid of it. It is massively cheap, fast, and not messy at adjectives. It only take you 3 doses to get rid of the infection and i.e. one day. The other medicine for the infection take 2-4 days to grasp rid of it but not this. I use it myself when I get an infection and so does my daughter. It can be bought in most any store.

Can Anyone Reassure Me?..?

Get an std check urgently. It could just be a yeast infection from have taken antibiotics for the urinary tract infection, but it could be much worse.

A crush on a boy?

A pap smear checks for cervical changes (ie. cancer). Probably not the issue here.

STD's---well that may be a different satchel. In most states, you can get tested for free or dirt cheap at the strength department for most of the common STD's. I would strongly suggest it in the past a big problem has time to develop into a huge problem.

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