Umm...human FEMALE anatomy examine..?

well.females ejaculate aparently.anyone mind telling me if this really happen and how!?
I've never been competent to ejaculate myself.and I dont get it. I've be mouiste.
I thought only men could drip...

My friend is 7 days in arrears on her period.. and the pregnancy experiment was distrustful..?

some women do. some don't. you can orgasm without doing that, though. i'm also pretty sure it is greatly uncommon for women to do that..

Is it possible for a tampon to achieve stuck?

girls can but it's not that common

Breast Augmentation Alternatives?

yes we do, and its only just, wet. for lubrication.

What is the point in white discharge?

Wow, are you 12?

Females can "ejaculate" yes but it's not resembling when a man does it. I do occasionally. You should call Dr. Drew.

Im 12 and hold a question almost boobs! (dont laugh,not trying to be funny)?

I never hear of this. Where have you be hearing this?


For womanly ejaculation it's all more or less being competent to apply the right amount of pressure to the G-Spot. There is actually no explanation to why some women can ejaculate while others can... from what I hear, adjectives women can just not are stimulated adequate to do it.

Can too much Caffeine cause breast pain?

not all females can do it

Im so downy?

It can happen when their g spot is really stimulated. You can email me.

Are boobs really occupied with milk?

Not every woman is expert of ejaculation. And in most cases, those who do with the sole purpose ejaculate a small amount of fluid - a few drops to a couple of tablesoons. Don't ever go by what you see within porn movies - the women there are urinating or here is someone behind the woman, buried from the camera, using a turkey baster at just the right time and angle to engineer it appear that the woman is spurting a large amound of fluid.

However, feminine ejaculate does exist. It has a chemical makeup explicitly similar to prostatic fluid, which is a part of a man's ejaculate. Female ejaculation is a part of the pack of a g-spot orgasm, and not every woman gets here. In fact, some women, no situation how many orgasms they may enjoy had, find any stimulation of the g-spot to be mortified. It's not something that any woman can control, since it's hardwired into our brains.

The same is true of orgasms in general for women. All women are born beside the capacity for orgasms, but we must swot how to have them. And not every woman have the capacity for multiple orgasms, any, despite what the editors of Cosmo might want us to think. Sexuality professionals who are MD's or RN's know and think through that each of our brains is hardwired for one specific type of orgasm - the single, earthshattering one, multiple sequential (back stale a bit and the up the stimulation level and a woman will orgasm again) or multiple serial (in which they simply keep coming in breakers, one on top of the other, beside increasing intensity). Just about every woman who have the single, earth shattering orgasm want to know what a multiple feel like, and every woman who have either type of multiple orgasm desires to know what that singe, earth shattering one feel like.

I'm adding together some links for more clarification. Some of these are around this topic and help to provide surroundings. Don't compare yourself to others., as you do a disservice to yourself whenever you do so. And share these sites with your partner.

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