Plz serve what do i do??

my best frend told me that her bf raped her yestrday.she said that he wanted sex but she didnt want to because she have her period.he laugh at her and she called him an arsehole.he punched her surrounded by the belly and called her a *.pushed her on the ground and raped her.she made me sware that i wouldnt communicate anyone becase it was her knock.i tryed telling her to inform her that she should tell the police but she wouldnt.she simply said it was her idiosyncrasy amd if the police found out everyone would call her a *.


Odd vaginal awareness?

It isn't her fault... you should convince her of that and give an account her to go to police. Your bestfriend's bf have no reason to do that. You own to tell her to run to the police... or go to the police yourself. There is no object she should blame herself for that.

I have an ovarian cyst. What should I expect?


Or are you lately joking around on Yahoo for the fun of it?

One means of access or another, you're wasting SOMEONE's time.

NuvaRing ?

You're not a good friend because not lone did you do what she told you not to do (tell people in the region of what happened) but you posted it on womenanswers.orgs so everyone could know...ugh!

How can we know if there are still tissues departed in the uterus after a miscarriage?

You know what general public like that want to see what is actually contained by front of them. Hopefully she'll realize it soon.

What's a good feminine hygiene product to use to swab down there that won't affect the innate pH?

tell her you cant cover up gaining 10 pounds surrounded by a month and having a child inside of you

When u stop ur birth control, do u get renunciation symptoms?

you need to relay someone.i know she doesnt want you to..but you have to...she said she doesnt want you to...but really she is crying out for me...i was raped and i told my friend and they did telling her i be crying out for obligation to tell your me they will know what to do.if you really concern for your friend which it soundslike you truly do then i would achieve help for her beforehand it happens again.right luck and if you are scared and stipulation someone to talk to only just e-mail me at [email protected] im sorry for your friend!!

Will PCOS affect my ability to hold children in the adjectives??

she should call the police. she a rape object so how come she thinks that empire will call her a **. if she respect herself, she better notify the authorities of what happened.

Is it ok and undamaging to have sex during spell?

first of all it be not her fault!! any man that would do something approaching that should be put in put inside. confide in your friend and try to draw from her to talk to a trusted full-grown about the situation. He raped and assaulted her he should be punished. Convince her to enlighten the authorities.

Advice please?

she needs to telephone the police immediately!! this crime will hold some jail time! he is a dammm pervert

this can grounds mental problems that will be there surrounded by her whole energy!

Orgasm Troubles?

I really don't think you should step to the police for her. I know your first instinct is to protect her, but she needs to pedal it in her own track. I was raped surrounded by college and didn't want my friends to take charge of it for me. I wanted to settle on when to report it. Once I had calmed down and realize how horrible he was I never have a second though.

Just be there for her to homily to. She will need to articulate about it, and she doesn't obligation to see you as judgmental or she may just budge somewhere else. If she ever asks you what she should do, just placidly suggest that she either phone call the police or a rape crisis center.

You should also suggest that she get out of the relationship. No woman should ever enjoy to be in a relationship beside a man who would treat her like that.

Is this change normal?

It absolutely is NOT her fault. No man have the right at any time to force themselves up on woman, not even a husband. She should not be ashamed to stand up for herself and have the bastard thrown within jail. If he will do it once he will hold doing it as long as she doesn't say anything. Tell her to be strong and hold on to being her friend. Let her know that near is nothing shameful going on for being raped. Date rape is still a crime. I am so sorry this have happened to your your friend. I enjoy had several family unit members raped and it is tramatizing. Be strong for her. You can't trademark her tell the cops but you can at lowest point it out and let her know that it is an route.

Pelvic Pain, Enlarged Ovary: Not Cyst or Fibroids?

Thats really sad. And if this is TRUE im really sorry for her, and for you having to know something like it. I think you should let somebody know someone either your parents her parents or the police. Im not trying to be rude but to be exact sooo uncool for you not to tell someone. I aim he might try it again and who knows what will transpire next time she might obtain pregnant. Ok so i think you should communicate...someone. i wish the both of you correct luck. I wanna slap that mother fuc* dick head.

The doctor say i may have pcos?

If you're not humour...
you should tell someone, or this guy will presume he can get away next to it again & again!
Tell your friend, it's definitely NOT her reproach.

Why do i have strech results?

first of all it be NOT HER FAULT and you need to describe her that, get her to a hospital and afterwards CALL THE POLICE!! who cares what population call her she be raped!

I have missed two period, hpt negative and I take the menstrual symptoms both months, what could it be?

This is a horrible situation for you to be in. Unfortunatly your friend holds the power to do anything here and you can't force her to describe.
The only entity you can do as a friend is try to talk to her more or less this situation. It sounds like she have no self asteem and lets this guy waddle all over her. If my boyfriend did this, I'd cut his ball off!
Seriously. Try to communicate to her over time about how she's better than to enjoy to put up with behavior approaching that. She needs you to enlighten her she's great and how her body as a woman is sacred and any f**c*er who tries something similar to that on a woman is a DOG.
Good luck. Try to get her away from him.


HO MY GOSH...IT'S NEVER HER FAULT! The police will never read aloud it was her failure. NO means NO! at this point,.not getting a rape kit/test done..where on earth they take sperm sample there isn't much they can do to prosecute him. he could jump to prison! but something needs to be done...psyche tell my parents, nickname his parents, tell the police anyway...possibly that would scare the crap out of that Di*k He#d so he wont do it to anyone else! DONT LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT!

Period press?

You need to catch some information on date rape and go over it beside her. You didn't say that she broke up next to him, I hope she keeps away from him. If this is the first conduct yourself of violence from him I don't dare to visualize what the next or final perform will be.

I was raped and although I reported the break within I didn't report the rape. I regret it now but it is too tardy to go support. What she need to do is draw from some rape counseling, this is a physically and physologically traumatizing experience and you are being a obedient friend. You just inevitability to realize that you can do only so much.

Good luck!

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