Is it ok and nontoxic to have sex during time?

i wonder if having sex during time, can cause cervical cancer to women. so want to know ii its not detrimental to have sex during time of year.

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It is completely safe. No worries, the singular thing that cause cervical cancer is abnormal cell growth and sex doesn't hold anything to do with that.

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Yes. But messy. Keep a towel handy.

Extra breasts?

use a condom. it is cleaner in the shower. it can alleve cramps and feel good!

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you are not the sharpest tool in the shed are you

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dude its not like dat if u want a child consequently u shoold do sex durig ur period lol it does not effect cancer

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that's very ruthless

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is it ok and nontoxic to ask something like this when 1000 of children are within ?

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I don't know why it would make more of a difference as far as cervical cancer go. But, it is just as out of danger for other reasons to own sex during your period as other times. Some individuals even like it better because of the extra "lube-age" (for denial of a better word). Always use protection though.

Can i be pregnant?

it can cause heavier peiods, which challenge her and get messy

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It's ok to do it, it won't put her at any elevated risk for cervical cancer, however you are at a higher risk of contracting HIV or AIDs.

How can I soothe this?

My gyno once told me that, in the old days, the solitary time a woman was adjectives clear to have sex if she required to be sure not to conceive, was during her interval. SO- as the first form of birth control, I would say that its be proven pretty safe.

How do u promise when u r angry ?

Sex during a woman's period is okay. It's messy but it's intense.

And it wont bring cervical cancer. Where in the world did you hear that from? Cervical cancer is cause by HPV.

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Oh dear god, I felt I have to type this after reading the post above..


It might LOWER your chance of getting pregnant if you do it at a abiding time, but just so you know sperm can live for in the region of five days in here..

Menstrual problem..?

Intercourse during a woman's period have been a adjectives taboo throughout the world, in frequent different cultures and time periods. In some societies, women be isolated from the rest of the community during the menses. One reason for this is that blood may attract predators, and the society did not want to put the entire tribe or small town at risk. Another is that women were thought to hold special powers during "that time of the month."

For the average, mutually monogamous couple with no sexually transmitted disease, nearby is no medical reason to avoid sex during menses. Blood is a devout medium for reliable infectious agents to grow in, and blood does transmit the HIV virus, so certainly those at risk should not enjoy sex during a period -- or ever own sex without a condom.

I call for help!! What is the best product to use to bring rid of an yeast infection?

Sex during periods should be avoided to adjectives extents because blood is a good surrounding substance for transfer of diseases .. avoid sex during period .. You have the rest of the time between the period to have sex .. The blood that comes out is largely debris and spend foolishly materials .. so it should better be left for the body to verbs out the debris to some extent than endager the partners for infections.

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you can tolerate him play in the red the deep but dont drink from it

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Although pregnancy is possible if unprotected sex occur during a woman's period, it is smaller number likely to turn out during the first couple days of her period. If a woman did become pregnant during her extent, her period would stop for the duration of her pregnancy.

My doc told me to hold the pill continuously(not take final week) so i wouldnt have a term?

Its safe but its sloppy and gross for both of you. I wouldn't suggest making it a mannerism! Any time you have sex(only involving a man penis inside you) causes cervical cancer to women, and as of very soon, that is the solely reason for it. It happen to me many years ago and I have to have Laser Surgery to remove the cancer and follow up appointments for 2yrs. I am free of it presently but realised sex isn't as important as it used to be. To know that a man privates inside you can cause you to possibly die someday because their point is infected.....gross!!
US stupid girls think? Oh they wouldn't screw around on me? They haven't be with that various other girls? Men are Men, they will screw around on us in an instant!! No thing if the girl is prettier,uglier,skinnier.fatte... It doesn't really matter when it comes to guys now-a-days!



Girl interview?

Yeah but that's so nasty don't do that. Yuck.!

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