Did anyone experience muscle ache while on depo?

Hi! I went on Depo within Feb 2006 to basically stop my interval. It took 6 mos to stop it while having the time of year for a whole 6mos straight. It finally stopped and capably it sure is great not having one but.since I own been on depo final Feb I have unsophisticatedly just feel like crap. I have gall bladder surgery around 3 weeks after I started the depo and have though I only just never healed right but immediately I am questioning the depo. I primarily went through a year long depression that get so severe I finally sought help for and go on Wellbutin which was the worse entity ever in my go to take. But primarily for the past year and a partially I have feel like crap. I am tired and lately miserable. Every muscle in my body hurts and right immediately one of my leg hurts so bad and have for 3 mos now I can hardly stand for more then 15 min or so at a time and cant even generate it through the grocery story without severe agony. My feet and hand fall asleep close to crazy all the time and powerfully basically every muscle surrounded by my body

Have I Started My Period Please Help!?

i was on the depo yrs ago for 2 yrs,i did experience muscle spasms surrounded by my legs,i also gained shipment, your syptoms might not just be the depo,some of your symptoms describe fibromyagila,ive have it for 11 yrs.it make your unbroken body ache,your foot and hands tingle,it feel like a severe casing of the flu 24/7 .theres noone tests for it,and alot of doctors do know to look for it,if they cant pinpoint what might be wrong ask them to check you for it. im not truism that what you have but look into it,turn to www.fibromyalgia.com and check the symptoms...take prudence

I think I hold just have my first period?

Well I'm not too sure on what you could do except see another doctor and go and get a second opinion on everything. I really hope all that isnt from depo. I simply started the shot last week. I hope they are competent to figure out what is wrong and serve you.

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Ali please steal the advise of the answers contained by your past question and do not get the shot!

I don't know if what Ladybugs is taking place to her is from depo, but I'd strongly recommend anyone getting the shot google "depo lawsuit" and just research this shot close to crazy.

I was on it for four years and I'm so glad I'm OFF of it.

It would not surprise me if what Ladybugs is going through is worse because of the depo shot.

I have serious mood swings while on the shot. Depressed, anger, sadness, everything. As in good health as other side affects with muscle affliction and weight gain and... in good health, just profusely of nasty side affects.

Depo may not be this horrible for everyone, but to a majority of women who are on this, own had serious condition issues because of it. Class action lawsuit issues!

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I've be on Depo for not quite 3 years. The first 9 months or so be hell for me - constant spotting, crazy-wicked mood wings, etc. After that point, my body giving of resumed back to its "normal" functioning. Those first 9 months though...wow. I remember asking my Gynecologist if severe mood swings be a typical side effect, like going from unemotional and bubbly to a raging crazy person within the blink of an eye, and she just concerned of laughed. Once my body manner of got final to normal, I still struggled next to a bit of depression, so I started taking antidepressants.

I would say that Depo could specifically be a factor in how you're response, but it's probably not the main raison d`??tre. You mentioned your try at taking meds - meds can be tricky because finding the right one can be tough. But once you DO find the right one it's like someone turning a standard lamp on in a brown room! Depression can also cause the physical symptoms you're describing - the nouns, the aches and pains, etc. I would ask your doctor to refer you to a psychiatrist, someone you can sermon to about your depression and other symptoms. It's best to hold a psychiatrist talk to you in the order of meds rather than a nonspecific practitioner. Have your regular doc do blood work to check your hormone levels - within are other diseases that could explain what's happening as all right, like hypothyroidism or anemia.

Hang surrounded by there! Depo particularly isn't for everyone, and sometimes the side effects can outweigh the pros of staying on it. So far so good for me...I hope you find a solution!

Birth control?

Hi! My daughter be on the depo shot and she said that she got really depressed and also gain weight. She didn't find the muscle aches. I would vote to go wager on to the doctor and have them do an ultrasound on your legs to see if you could possibly enjoy a blood clot. My daughter was miserable on the shot and a moment ago recently go off and very soon has the Nuva-ring. She said that its uncomplicated to insert and she doesn't have any side affects from it. I would unquestionably call the doctor and insist on getting to the bottom of this. Good luck, and I hope you consistency better soon.!

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