Visit to OB-GYN?

Ok! I have a press about this I am 17 years elderly and am still a virgin. I was only wondering when is the time to go and also what exactky do they do down nearby. I always here my mom conversation about it when my sister first have to go it ounded awfully scaring how she described it. Plz serve Is it anything to be scared of?

What does the doctor do during a PAP?

There is surely nothing to be worried of... When i first went to see an ob I be a virgin...It is a pap schmere and all they do is insert a metal clamp inside you and overt it to take swabs...the most that you get the impression is pressure.and the clamp is usually cold because they put lube on it.but I felt no spasm.just pressure...I lately felt close to I had to fart or pee the complete time

Birth Control and Breast size?

its nothing to be afraid of they purely examine you and make sure everything is working correctly

Is near a certain hole you put your tampon contained by?

There's nothing to be alarmed of at all. It depends on why you are going within thought. If its for a pap smear, well you dont really want to go because most pap smears are done on sexually live women to check up. If just a regular check up, next its fine. Remember the doctor is a professional and not there to perve. Just move about relaxed and calm and you'll soon see theres zilch to stress about:)

Pink discharge?

Its not worrisome and with a righteous doctor; it shouldn't be painful any. To make it shift smoother, just concentrate on relaxing. The more relaxed you are the easier it is.
The doctor does a pap smear, for that she/he inserts a speculum into the vagina to keep hold of it open while the swab taste is taken. Then the doc will feel around near to examine and make sure everything is middle-of-the-road. Then he/she will do a breast exam.
Don't worry they don't trendsetter your body or make impossible comments. They see all different kind of bodies all daytime.
Also, make sure near is a nurse in the room while the nouns is taking place.

Good Luck!

I construe my girlfriend is pregnant but she won't take a theory test and she is still going to tanning bed?!!?

Pap Smear
Also known as: Pap Test

What is it?
The Pap smear is name for Dr. George N. Papanicolaou, who developed it. This procedure is usually performed during an annual gynecological exam to check for any change in the cell of the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that open into the vagina. By analyzing the cervical cells on a regular foundation, doctors can detect cervical cancer in its untimely stages, which increases the chances of successful treatment. Regular Pap test can also detect precancerous changes contained by the cervix, vaginitis, infections, and some sexually transmitted diseases. In some cases, a Pap smear can reveal cancers of the uterus and ovaries.

Who requirements this procedure?
It is recommended that all women who are sexually stirring, or age 18 and older, hold a Pap smear performed respectively year. A regular Pap smear is especially important for women who are at risk for cervical cancer. You are at a greater risk for cervical cancer if you enjoy had an nonstandard Pap smear in the recent past; have have vulvar or vaginal cancer; or if your mother took the hormone diethylstilbestrol (DES) during her pregnancy. Your sexual habits can also increase your risk of cervical cancer. For example, you are at complex risk if you were sexually live at a very childish age; have have many sexual partner; have a sexual relationship near someone who has have cancer of the penis; have a sexual relationship beside someone whose previous partner had cervical cancer or cervical cell that were precancerous; or if you or your sexual partner have had a sexually transmitted disease such as genital herpes or wart. Increased risk of cervical cancer is also associated with cigarette smoking, and have a weak immune system due to AIDS or taking immunosuppressive drugs after an organ transplant. Your doctor may not consistency annual Pap smears are necessary if you are elder than 65 and have have a history of normal Pap smears. However, you should still own an annual gynecological exam. Having had a hysterectomy does not miserable you no longer need a Pap smear. In some cases, the cervix is not removed during this procedure. If you are pregnant, your doctor will make a Pap smear during your first prenatal examination. Conditions detected by a Pap smear can affect your unborn child.

How do I prepare for this procedure?
A Pap smear will be more accurate if you do not douche or use any type of vaginal medication within 48 hours of the oral exam. Having sexual intercourse within 24 hours of the Pap smear can also result in inaccurate try-out results. The best time to have a Pap smear is around the middle of your menstrual cycle. The question paper cannot be done while you have your length. It's also a good theory to empty your bladder right earlier the test. This will not affect the results, but will impose less discomfort for you.

How is this procedure perform?
Before performing the Pap smear, your gynecologist will ask you about your medical history, specifically related to your reproductive robustness. If he or she does not have a narrative of previous Pap smears, the doctor may ask you about the date and result of your closing test. It's also historic that your doctor is aware of any problems with your menstrual period; any medications you are taking, especially birth control pills or hormones; any domestic history of cervical or other gynecological problems; or any abnormal symptoms you've be experiencing. The Pap smear is a very express procedure. You will lie on your vertebrae with your knees bent and your foot apart. You may feel some pressure as the doctor inserts a lubricated instrument call a speculum into your vagina. The speculum holds open the walls of the vagina so your doctor can examine the inside of the vagina and the cervix. Your doctor later uses a special swab to scrape some cell from the surface and the inside of the cervix. These cells are consequently smeared onto glass slides, sprayed near a preservative to protect the cells, and after sent to a laboratory for examination lower than a microscope.

What can I expect after the procedure?
You will be notified, usually by letters, of the results of your Pap smear. The results will be either ordinary or abnormal. If the audition results are normal, you should still be sure to diary another Pap smear and routine gynecological exam for the following year. If the test reveals peculiar cells, the results are afterwards classified according to the types of cells that be found. Abnormal changes within cells is call dysplasia. If your test results show minimal cervical dysplasia, this manner the changes are contained by the early stages and are not all the same cancerous. This type of result might also be called low title squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL). Squamous cells are flat cell located in the outermost, or epithelial, section of the cervix. Low grade SIL can be cause by the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV), and can eventually cause cancer. If your interview results show high status SIL, this means in that is moderate to severe dysplasia. These are more advanced changes contained by the cervical cells, but are still not cancerous. Carcinoma in situ, however, is cancer in the outermost cloak of the cervix, and is also considered a high title SIL. If test results show invasive cancer, the cancer have spread beyond the outermost layer of the cervix and may affect other organs. Another rating system for Pap smear results is call cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Neoplasia is a term used to describe the irregular growth of cells that can organize to a tumor, or neoplasm. Mild dysplasia would be called CIN I, moderate dysplasia is CIN II, and severe dysplasia or carcinoma in situ is CIN III.

Self-care tips
Like abundant tests, the Pap smear is not 100% accurate, so it is prominent to see your doctor immediately give or take a few any abnormal results. Further conducting tests may reveal a non-cancerous cause, or even a false result. The Pap smear is still, however, the best question paper for cervical cancer. Many gynecologists send reminder cards to their patients to rota their yearly checkups. If your doctor does not, put pen to paper the date on your calendar each year so you don't forget. Early detection and treatment increase your likelihood of a complete cure.

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