What contraception?

i have 2 children and a third on the channel (all boys) i am 24 been beside my partner 10 years he is older later me he is 28 i dont want to go on the pill or anything as i really want to loose weightiness after i have have this baby my partner say he doesnt want any more kids and at the miute i feel 3 is ample but i cannot help thinking what if in 10 years time i want another newborn cause i know i am still young-looking my partner is thinking of having the snip i am not so sure on this whats your view on this

How do I find my G spot?

what about condoms? they enjoy shots and vaginal rings now too I believe...I would see an OBGYN more or less it...

How effective is birth control?

You do not requirement to go on the pill, you could use a copper IUD,
within the URL I am giving here you can read all more or less this birth control device including side effects etc. It has no hormones and to be exact good.


Can anyone own any suggestions on to why my boobs still hurts a week after my period have finished?

You've probably know a fair bit already but this should provide an outline of the options

The cap is normally overlooked as a possibility, because many GP reluctant to prescribe it (possibly because it give the woman control). I have hear that it's apparent disaster rate might be due to it's common use as a path of coming off the pill until that time attempting to get pregnant. If it's still anyone "prescribed" and the woman gets pregnant, its commonly listed as a washout even though she wanted to capture pregnant!

It's still a barrier method so if used correctly should be nearly as good as condoms for contraception. Some population do have a counterattack to it/the spermicide it uses. Alternative materials can be used if its a problem. It doesn't protect (much) against STD however, but it doesn't sound resembling that's a issue very big on your priorities.

ANY method can fall and you should consider that within making the decisions near your partner. Try talking to an personage from an advice basis (think that they are independent of the NHS). They should be able to assistance you and your partner make the right result.

(I cannot remember for the life of me what the UK charity/organisation that deal with sexual robustness and contraception is called)

If i naturally enjoy an A-cup, will my daughter have alike size as well?

yes inplant cause me bad effects too, altho u not raring to go on coil apparantly the mirena 1 is good, not as copious side affects, also there is the injection which last a year i think.

How do I prevent?

You could try a diaphragm. I have one fitted for the first time in Jan this year-it took a short time getting used to but its actually ok. With the diaphragm, I suggest using a basal thermometer too to pinpoint when you are possible to ovulate in your cycle and next on those fertile days use a condom too as an extra precaution.

Girl help..?

i am a 21 year infirm mother of a ive month old toddler girl and i have be on the pill injection since i was 16. i chose to come bad it because i wanted a infant. i did not put on any weight while on the pill injection and i didnt really keep under surveillance what i ate. i just ate approaching i normally would. i lost 2 stone from mortal 11 stone and i now weigh 9 stone 1. i wouldnt focus that your parnter having the snip is the answer incase he does want children in the adjectives. good luck. I would reccomend the injection to anyone and it doenst hurt at adjectives.

Where on earth did my ovarie shift??

Did you know that Natural Family Planning is actually immediately THE most effective method out in that? A recent German study found that couples using the Sympto-Thermal method has in recent times a 0.4% failure rate.

The details are very simple. Take your heat every morning when you wake up and save an eye on your mucus. This will tell you when you are ovulating and when you are fertile. If you don't aspiration to conceive simply abstain during our fertile times.

The Couple to Couple League run classes and have an excellent home-study course which I can significantly recommend. Most of my friends use this method of family planning, as do my husband and I, and find it really impressive and in total musical tones with your body's colloquial cycle.

Should I have period on Jolivette?

Too be honest id own the coil, I had one surrounded by for 5 years after my second son and ive never had any problems near it, my periods where on earth normal every month, My mum and sister and some of my mate have them and they are adjectives fine. I wouldnt bother with pill or the injection. Soon as i hold my baby im going to enjoy coil stright back within 6 weeks later.

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