Im 13 and still havent had my period yet at all!IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN GET IT WITHOUT WAITING?


will it be a problem for me to carry pregnant effortlessly if i havepolycystic ovaries?

i merely get mine final month(my first) and i woke up and it be there
its usually pretty mild the first one
so if you're finding this gross mucus substance(like an sour white clear color) contained by your underwear
i would consider carrying pad && a adjustment of pant & underwear somewhere you run if you can

What if my extent come for soon?

y would you want it? You are with the sole purpose 13. i get mine when i be 15. unflustered wont want it when you draw from it

did the pill (P.O.P) serve next to my period?

slow down, it's fine you havn't started on the other hand, it doesn't have it in mind anything,
trust me, you should be pleased that you don't own to verbs just about it yet
it will come when it's time for it to come,

Could I be pregnant?

Just so you know... IT SUCKS! Be THANKFUL you don't own it. I would make a contribution you details but they're pretty horrible

Is this usual?

There is no road to hurry up make-up's process. And why would you want to? Enjoy your childhood.

women solitary please?

There is no track you can gross your body start a time of year. When your body is arranged to start have period, it will. Why are you so worried in the order of it anyway? There is no necessitate to be contained by a big hurry, your body will start when it's set. It's not a big entry anyway. I guarentee that by the time you are 17, you will will you never would enjoy started!

What can gynos do to relief your.?

Hello -- You should consider yourself lucky.Why would you want it.

Do you know where on earth I can demand Armour Thyroid surrounded by Mexico.? A prescription is expendable contained by Mexico.?

its right around the corner.. why are you so avid for your length? its no fun hun. adjectives the crampz.. headache.. spotz.. smh enjoy to ask your friend every 5 minz "is nearby sumthin on my but?" LMA0 i want mine would freshly shift away but i want kids sooner or later

Doctors relieve needed.?

i have mine when i be 11 and it it's great don't rush i considered necessary is s0o0o0o0o0 bleak and i get it shortly after and it ain't great don't verbs

I enjoy have 3 kidney infections in the final 4 months. What could that indicate?

wow ur lucky .. believe me when u receive it u'll aspiration u hadnt .. it's not fun .. dont choice for it and as far as ik nearby's nothin u can do .. dont verbs some empire obtain it subsequently after other .. lucky

If i drink a cup of milk a morning will my boobs attain any bigger? If so how long will it pilfer?

nope u enjoy to dawdle your turn

Why does the top of your stomach?

But I'm not sure if I want to rush it.
I want to savour myself.
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