Birth control?

well i got birth control for my spell and because i have soaring testosterone levels. what my dad doesn't know that i'm have sex with my boyfriend (that be just somewhat reason why i considered necessary to get it). i be wondering how long it took for it to actually work. i know it wont work for a week after my first pill out of the pack. but will it rob longer because i'm just starting it?

Ok my mom is making me achieve on birth control and she says somthing give or take a few a DUI (i think that is to say what it is?)?

it usually takes a full month or 2 for the pills to be within ur system

How can the mini pill help my hormone lack of correspondence?
Hope this helps

Question nearly stretch marks? not pregnancy stretch grades!!?

I was told 30 days up to that time it would start working, you should ask your doctor. You can just give the name the office and discuss with a nurse, they'll know how to tell you for sure. The doctor's phone number should be on the sticky label on the prescription.

You might re-consider having sex next to your boyfriend, your high testosterone level are probably giving you an increased sex drive and making it seem similar to a great idea, but I assure you it isn't. You really should make conversation to your mom or dad about it, and also consider that birth control pills pass you NO PROTECTION against sexually transmitted diseases, which are most common among immature people right in a minute. If you get a sexually transmitted disease you'll probably ending up talking to your parents roughly speaking it (and it'll be pretty embarassing). I know from experience that having sex at 14 isn't adjectives it's cracked up to be. It all worked out for me, but if I have a guardian angel, he was working overtime! Unless you're primed to be a mother AND this boyfriend of yours is ready to be a father, you shouldn't be have sex even if you have some false sense of payment provided by some birth control pills. You're not ready for the wild requirements of a sexual relationship especially if you still live at home with your parents.

I am a clean woman in my impulsive 20's am I too young to cart The Womans one a day vitamin?

I'm unsophisticatedly doing the same entry. I would go to the website the human being before me said. I ponder it says after a week, but I wouldn't trust that. It won't appropriate longer since you are just starting it, once it is in your system, next you are protected.

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