Why do men on here consistency like it's okay to answer women's question about their period?

it would be one thing if they be dr.'s, but i'm doubting any of them are.

What is pelvic inflammatory disease? Is it serious? Treatments?

guess they are just nosey... same purpose we go within the mens health division and laugh at their penis size question lol

I'm not pregnant so why are my nipples sore?

i know its kina creepy..lol

My period is due contained by a few days and the last few days in attendance'd been brown stains & a moment or two blood in my panties?

because they vigilance...
and my bet is that most of them are just pervs...

What are the best clothes to wear during your menstrual cycle.?

I know, right?
They must be GyN. wanna bees.
Even manly Dr.'s don't profess to understand what a woman go through, just that they have a handle on HOW it happens & WhY... hee,hee

Period confusion.?

Well...its because they can answer the question and they get points for answering question, these guys can be anywhere from the age of probably 7 to 70 and who knows whats going on their chief!

When do women feel most amorous? One week in the past or during their period or ovulation?

Maybe because they are jackasses. I never ask a female about their period. I always respect woman.

Uterine fibroids, throbbing, heavy bleeding and irregular period?

i agree. they have no view what they are talking something like. they haven't gone through one, so they can't even really offer support. it can be kinda unlikeable and disturbing for them to answer some 13 or 12 year-old-girl's questions on that too. they should shift back to them men's branch.

Discharge,Cramps,Pubic,Arm Hair?

In my personal case, I simply answer question I feel I am competent to correctly address. My profession requires me to know all anatomy, to also business with that anatomy surrounded by an emergency situation, and I think most significant is that I don't look at these questions surrounded by a sexual manner. I other think as if this is my merciful in the ER and how can I best relief her.

Scarring in between my thighs?

Maybe they have a wife or girlfriend near menstrual problems and have see how miserable it can be.

If I was a superhero & u be a villain, and I caught u, but uh-oh, my powers just disappeared mewhat do u do?

for the points.

WOMEN ) what does it feel approaching to be?

We are just unyielding up when it comes to collecting a couple of extra points!

Is there a try-out that shows how much body fat u enjoy?

cause they don't know any better. If they had any concept how really crappy it is, they'd keep their yap shut and their uninformed opinions to themselves

How medical grazing land in japan copare to other countries?


What make Abortion ok?

my boyfriend could answer some of the questions because i own a lot of problems within that area, and he know all around what i go through individually, what i do to feel better, what treatments i've done and which own and haven't helped, and why it happen physically (because i complain about it adjectives the time, haha). other than experience from girlfriends or sisters or moms, they're any doctors or perverts, or just have an idea that they know everything. or maybe they're transsexuals (could be!!).

Depo shot after pregnancy?

They probably contemplate its cool too, which is Heep's strange!

What does it mean when you smell unadulterated bad down at hand no matter how much you swab?

If something says girls merely, then a guy will want to know what it is basically because it excludes him. Vice Versa with girls.

What do I do around this blood?

because their fricken tarded. thats why.

Metabolism process thing?

How do you know they are guys?

Just because their avatar or picture is mannish does not mean they are a guy answering.

What if their g/f hopped on and replied and OOPS she forgot to log him rotten and her on?

Omg girls plez help me girls solitary and no mean or rude answers please!?

Most guys own mothers, sisters, girlfriends and wives. I know most teenagers would never dream of talking almost female issues next to a guy, but once your older, its not so shameful. Like my sig other hears going on for every problem. Sometimes its over share. Sometimes though its good bc some issues concern him too.

So these guys are answering because while they may not in reality be experiencing it, chances are they know almost it. Its not weird or gross. Its individual an adult an answering a query when the know about it.

I stir over and answer questions on mens robustness page when I can, nothing odd about that any.

  • Is it possible to be a man and a women's health professional without thinking about your patients sexually?
  • Whats wrong with my stomach? hard to explain but?
  • My friend is 18. had her period normally. She is a Virgin, but hasnt get her period in the last 2 1/2 month?
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  • Period question?
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  • I haven't gotten my time of year on the other hand?
  • Need some other design.?

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