I haven't gotten my time all the same?

OK well I know for a fact that I am not pregnant. I hold always had uncharacteristic periods. My doctor long ago told me that my period would stop because of my bulk gain. After I lost weight I started to get my spell every month. But now I bloomed up to 200 lbs and my period have gone away. I know have chin hair , as of only just I started monitoring what I eat and exercising on a regular basis. So far I own lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks but I still haven't gotten my period. I also hold this huge belly could it be from the backed up blood that my body has stored contained by my body? Idk what to do , any advice?

Answers:    It sounds as if you might have PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome. So if you haven't be tested for this condition, ask your doctor. If you do have it, it can be controlled by keeping your weight lower than control and by various other measures which doctors will take if appropriate. It can engender it harder to get pregnant, but many sufferers do within time manage to have children. No, your big tummy is not from backed up blood. It would accumulate within the womb but wouldn't make your tummy big. It's likely that the womb pool liner isn't building up anyway, but if by chance it is building up and not leaving the body, it will own to be treated to avoid problems with a thickening endometrium. Seek medical suggestion..
Sometimes food regulation and exercise give you irregular periods. I know girls who hold their period off for 6 months or so, and it's because they started playing a sport.

Just shipment it out. See a doctor if you are getting cramps but no period. That just sucks. Also, if you are really concerned, a moment ago have a physical. They can give you more than one possiblity.

Good luck.

Actually its not back up blood. It can be many things. Something more common is when your skin stretches to a spot on amount and cannot go back to middle-of-the-road (usually happens when your overweight and then loose a great deal of weight). If that's the case you either can exercise A LOT or capture a tummy tuck. If its more serious, you should go see a endocrinologist (a gland doctor).

hope that helps!!
virtuous luck!!.
There is no medical reason you should have your time of year! If you not having your period, you body probably isn't producing anything, so I really doubt you enjoy "backed up blood." Keep trying and congratulations on you weight loss! KEEP IT UP. my friend also have abnormal periods.she would travel for months without having it and after when she did it lasted for a total of 3 days. she went to the doctor and be put on birth control because it regulates your period.i would suggest doing the same.
possibly you should go back to your doctor and parley to him again... this could be really serious or it could just be stress from the weight gain or something contained by that area. and i don't know about the back up blood... anything is possible hope i helped
You DO know what to do. Call your doctor for a complete physical exam. (BTW, the blood does not "back up" contained by your body when you don't have your period.).
Wow, that's the craziest entry I've ever heard. But how is it that you know you're not pregnant?

If you aren't how old are you? That would oblige you find a better answer..
lose some more weight. get tough and start taking care of yourself. your period will com backbone, unless you are going through menopause. whenever you are very overweight or very underwieght your time goes away. you should head to the doctor, a symptom of PCOS is facial spine and irregular periods. .
lose weight =) step jogging walk everyday, ride a bicycle

and what does the chin hackle have to do with anything ???.
Diet, try to loose wieght to be wholesome. justt keppy workingg outt and your prosb dont have it cuz you lost 10 lbss.
id influence to wait a little longer exersise some more and see what happends from more hang around loss.
poke and hope keep trying

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