The gyno said my 9 year hoary daughter had to move about for an annual exam. wat should i do?

she is scared? have her period?why should she stir through something an older party may have not all the same?im nervous?ive never have a pap smear?

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You need to draw from a new doctor. You do not necessitate to get an exam lately because you start your period. These culture are out of their mind. If you have no problems you should return with an exam when you start having sex or turn 21. Please draw from a new doctor. Read the association.

Women or doctors i have a press. If a girl has sex a light of day before a term can she still get pregnant?

Get a unusual doctor.
This one is crazy.

Why haven't you had a pap theory test ?
Bad doctor.

Okay sometimes i fell like im going to wobbly i dont know why?

Just take her. The Dr.'s are professionals and know how to switch young ladies. See if at hand's a woman gyno, maybe that would spawn her feel more comfortable. You might as resourcefully make an appointment for yourself while you're at it!

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Wow, 9 is early for have a period, but once you start that's when you enjoy to start getting exams. I'm sure you can wait til she's similar to 14 though.

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First, you should have have a pap smear if you are old plenty to have a nine year infirm kid. Anyone who is either sexually involved should have a pap smear every year. A pap smear is a apposite way to prevent disease and ensure you are completely sound "down there".
Second, it is because she has have her period. She is presently able to grasp adult diseases.
Personally I own not had one, I am 17. But, I am not sexually stirring. So, no need.

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O my... I have a daughter to be exact also 9 years old...she hasn't started her time of year yet, and lately having to dance through that scares me...So I can get the drift why you would be a little easily upset about a pap. I own always be told that a girl doesn't have to step in for a pap until they are 16 or sexually alive which ever comes first. Now, I seriously doubt your daughter is sexually active, why not telephone a different gyno and ask them what age your daughter should have her first call on in in attendance. You on the other hand should be getting these exams every year ... pap interview are the key to catching cervical cancer in the untimely stages.....also want to mention you might want to ask your doctor if your daughter should get the contemporary vaccine that helps protect against cervical cancer the vaccine is suitable for ages 9-26 years old.
Good Luck.

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Well, if you have a nine year antediluvian, *you* should have a pap smear. In certainty you should have one every year... it's snatched and painless, and will REALLY reduce your risk of dying of cervical cancer, which is notably treatable when caught early but a animal if left until too behind time.

The fact that she started menstruating at such a young at heart age may have worried him... some rash puberties can be caused by hormonal problems that might not own been detected contained by ordinary checkups. I don't know that *annual* Paps are critical for a non sexually active girl of that age.

I'd appropriate her in to her pediatrician and see what he have to say nearly it. He may have a different inference, or he may agree with your gynecologist. But he's probably the best place to instigate.

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Tell the gyno to kiss off. No one tell you you "have to" do anything. They simply want your money anyway.

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Didn't the doctor hand over you a reason why he/she think your daughter should have one? If not, phone call his/her office and own someone give you an explanation. I'm sure the doctor in recent times want to make sure everything is okay. If you and the doctor desire it is not really necessary for her to enjoy one at this point, she can put it off for a few more or heaps more years.

Normally, one should start going for yearly exams at the age of 21 or when she become sexually active. This mechanism you should be having them twelve-monthly as well, close to others have said. Even if you aren't at risk of coming into a contact near an STI you should monitor your health. This is how cancer and other things you'd want to know just about get spotted--breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometriosis, PCOS and much more. Please lift care of yourself.

Perhaps you could spawn an appointment to get a pap smear yourself, and you're daughter can sit contained by the waiting room. Then after your appointment you can tell her within is nothing to verbs about so that she will be smaller quantity nervous during hers. Perhaps, you may even request back-to-back appointments.

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You need to acquire a pap test and if that doctor is your doctor as capably and hasn't made you get one even so there is something rotten there. She should achieve an exam it is normal to do so but not usually as habitually as every year. I would reccomend you get a latest gyno, ask a trustred friend or sister or mom or whoever who they go to surrounded by your area and see if they are taking topical patients. And just let somebody know your daughter this is part of human being a woman and it is only to ensure her strength and well person. And most women who are responsible for their health do shift to the gynecologist because it is part of staying vigorous so most older women hold done that. I personally know two women who have cervical cancer at the age of 19. The sooner you get your daughter to practice appropriate health within all areas possible the better fate she has of overriding a healthy energy.

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This scares me, I enjoy a 4 year old daughter and would not permit her get a pap until she tell me somethings wrong. We go to military doctors and my daughter be born with allot of estrogen contained by her body. They wanted to do a pap on her a 6 months. I told them where on earth they can go. I talk to a civilian doctor and he said just a sonogram is fine. If you grain uncomfortable near the doctor's suggestions then whip her to another one.

IUV (Birth Control)?

she should only budge if she's sexually active or over 21 whichever is previously.

9 year old is helpful of early for have period, receive her to exercise and cut down on fried food.

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