What brand or kind of "pill" should I hold?

i have hear there are so frequent different kinds and brands? i am really confused so i don't even really know where on earth to start researching. i have hear that some variations enjoy different side effects, etc. depending on many different factor...

what factors should affect my choice? see? body type? skin type? age? anything?

Orthodontic assistant! what are your job duties?

Your doctor will recount you which kind to clutch, but I personally prefer the type of pill that have the least amountof hormones. The closing pill I took was Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo which be great but then I switched over to the NuvaRing because that have even less hormones within it, plus it's easier to use and you only own to remember to change it once a month. What works for me might not work for you though so be sure to discuss it near your ob/gyn.

Ladies only again.. How recurrently are you arroused and do you find yourself like that at work or public?


16 year feeble girl scared out of her mind?

ur doctor tell u wat kind of pill is betetr for u...cargo determins a lot of wat category of pill or how strong the pill is.. talk to ur doctor...

Weird ask?

see a doctor!

After stopping birth control?

Don't be too much in a hurry for the pill - especially if you're young. There are other locked methods which won't affect your hormone balance. The pill can hold many side effects and you really want to weigh that carefully in the past embarking on especially a long possession course of taking any.
Best thing, have a word to your doctor or nurse about it contained by detail and then check on the brands they might recommend. Do, however, seriously consider other methods. Taking hormones does amendment many things in your body and not other for the better, especially not long-term.

Is ir normal for a feminine to have stomache pains after sex?

Your doctor will aid you decide.

Sagging breasts?

There are so plentiful kinds of birth controls, esp. different kind of pills. One of the best ones I have taken be Yasmin. It was a low dose birth control pill that have something in it to keep you from retaining hose down, yes you pee kinda often, but it keep you from gaining an extra 15 pounds of water-weight. My time of year was simply a day and 1/2 - deeply light. Also it did not engender me moody at all.

Start near, your doctor will give you some sample probably and after a month or two bring you back surrounded by and ask how they are making or if they are making your body react surrounded by any way, if you close to them, then you will take a prescription and be done with it for a year.

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