Is it true you dont have your length in the hose?

okay well my mom is a ccu nurse and say you do have your term in the dampen, but i never have. And ALOT of ppl read aloud they dont either. I customarily dont have my spell till like 3 hrs after i swam. So you relate me do you get your interval in the hose? The problem is i cant wear tampons!!

I have a examine involving genetics, and small butts, plus some exercise, so I'd appreciate some HELP!!?

yes you do, but when you're in actual fact swimming it gets wash away by the water so you don't see it. But if you stay contained by one place too long or get out nearby's a chance you will see it running down your leg!

Umm grotesque to ask but..?

I think you can grasp your period within the water, but it is like mad lighter...but I have never tried it. I wouldn't recomend swimming during that time though.

Is it commonplace to pass remains ball size clots during your extent?

dont risk it, its really unsanitary
and if your mom is a nurse and a girl! then basically ask her for help next to tampons
and there are reason on why it comes afterward, about how the dampen floods, and pushes the sorry i need to post a source, but dont own it anymore

I just started this hot bc pill and im spotting but no period ?

yes you can obtain your period within the water and if it is hefty it can get pretty embarrasing. If it is bedside light then it would probably dissolve surrounded by the water acceptably unnoticed but still it is not courteous to other swimmers.


not so true
you could still have it ther it will come out , but not as much.
if you do dance swiming while being within your period try a tampon !
it will work


Yea I come up with you can get it contained by the water, I hold before. But it is a great deal lighter and it is harder to notice than when you aren't contained by water. I hope this help! =)

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i don't own my period within the water any!

What if you don't know that you are pregnet and you still keep on taking birth control can it effect the kid.


Uti or what?

you don't get your length in the marine because it sort of stops while you're in but the moment you're out of the wet, it will start again. so you should run quickly and put on a wad or something otherwise blood will start running down your legs!

What do they do at 14 year old physicals?

Hi Swim Hottie,
I flow contained by the shower & bleed lots when I come out, in a pool I wouldn't attempt, unless it be r's, come out of a lake blood will be pouring down r legs. I've done it & embarresing, but if you want to appropriate Mom's word, go for it, who know it may work. But here's a bit of advice clutch a red towel r 2.
Best of Luck Sweetie, I hope it works & advice help!
LOL Diana D

I'm scared that?

If you can't wear tampons another odds is the menstrual cup. (I have the Diva cup but at hand are several options). It may sound gross but they are wonderful. The common sense you don't think you own your period when you swim is its wash away as you swim and it takes a lil bit for you to mind the flow again.
I can't use tampons either. The problem near tampons is they not only involve the menstrual flow but they also absorb the inherent fluids that your body produces which can cause problems and spasm. The menstrual cup doesn't absorb it collects the flow and doesn't raison d`??tre pain close to a tampon does. Also they have Never be known to exact TSS and do not have chemicals adjectives over them. They were invented in the 30's and are FDA approved! If you really are have trouble with tampons you should try them. You can get hold of some at like Wal-mart that are disposable but I prefer the reusable ones. They are easier to use within my opinion.
Good Luck!

Ok EDIT: in a minute that ive gone to your profile and seen that you are 13 I meditate that you she deffinately ask your mom to go to walmart and capture the "Instead" menstrual cups to wear during your swim meet. Its particularly unsafe to go into a pool next to other people who will hold thier faces surrounded by the water in need something to keep the blood out of the wet. If you need tips or suggestions on how to insert it here are alot of different suggestions on this site. They are a little different and give somebody a lift a few mins of wearing it to get used to it but they work wonders.(don't be put bad but the way they look they are alot smaller than they look and nearby are several of them to choose from but for your meet ask your mom to find some of the dispoosible ones at walmart) Hope this helps!

This is unexpected (about period-girls only)?

Yes you DO have your extent while in the hose down.

The water wash it away so it looks like you don't menstruate but you DO.

Your mom is right.

Why can't you wear tampons? Try the slenderest plastic applicator tampon and ask your mom for relief.

Its really unsanitary since you are letting your menstrual flow run into the water.

Very defining gurl problem?

well i dunno...a friend told me that u dont but then it happen wen u like take out of thepool but then wen u cram it in class teacher keeps adage not to like swim wen u enjoy ur period and i dont tink tampons r gonna work cuz close to wouldnt they like grasp soaked...somehow...hey if im wrong dont blame me thats wat the class said...(hate that class)

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