Is it common to pass foundation ball size clots during your time of year?

I know that is a dumb question( you would think), but I enjoy been to doctors something like it and they say it's conventional to pass clots,however, they seem to be to look at me like I'm crazy when I let somebody know them how big they are. My periods keep hold of getting worse every month. I have be on different birth controls, pills, IUD, all of it . nought helps! I in a minute have terriable acne on my frontage all the time(didn't other have it). I'm 29 and enjoy two kids, I don't know what to do anymore..for the first 3 days of my period I can't give notice the house because I bleed so bad. I hold awfull PMS the week before I start...does anyone know what cause this and what I should do?


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I have several of those symptoms and I be just diagnosed next to PCSO. Look it up and read some about it. Tell your Gyno. you are concerned and if they don't impart help, find another one who will. It can be so concrete to live like that believe me I know. The bleeding make you feel horrible and similar to crying all the time. Support groups are helping me know I am not alone in adjectives this. Best of luck

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this is not ok . go hindmost to the octor and insist on referal to a consultant

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You need to find another doctor. You should not be incapacitated similar to that and occasional clots are normal but not resembling you are describing.

Missed period and weaning?

Hell no, it's not!

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no, its not common to pass baseball size clots during your extent. I would stop using pills and birthcontrol...hormones just gross things worse. clots that big arent normal...i would jump see another doctor, perhaps a homeopathic or ayurvedic doctor. to minister to with your period, eat a fighting fit, well-balanced diet, exercise regularly and get plenty of rest. also, you could lift triphala every night in the past bed to help your digestion. blockage within digestion can lead to menstrual disorders, so fashion sure your digestion is working well.

For womenwhat element is the hymen?

Are you on the injection,as when i had it,i get the same item and the doc said that it was because my blood be not clotting properly(sounds odd,but thats what he said),it could be dodgy,i would go to the household planning clinic and see what they have to enunciate as they are more skilled in matter of the downstairs dept.also there is a cream that they can prescribe,i cant remember the describe but it sound japanese(for your face).
Or you could try a cotton wool orb with a tiny bit of almond grease mixer on it and rub it on your face,it seem odd but i have the same problem,it doesnt work overnight,but it help no end

Is this usual - lactating from nipples and I'm not preggers?

Your question take me back. I be exactly like your description. After a long spell of time, when all sorts of things have been tried, I eventually have a hysterectomy. I can honestly say it be one of the best things I have ever done. It changed my enthusiasm. I had be depressed, with an extremely low blood count, and other tired. I already had two children and did not want any more, so it be a good solution for me. Good luck

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your are not dumb you should straight back to your ask for a referrall to a gynaecologist straightaway dont bear no for an answer you cant carry on close to this i have a implanon shoot contraceptive for me it was the best entry also light period too and for some women none at all not much side effects for me anyway also win a prescription for your acne good luck

How long is your drastically first period supposed to end?

this isn't normal,you should find another doctor for a second judgment.

What all do they lift out?

I was diagnosed beside Endometrial Hyperplasia and had similar symptoms as you. A simple D & C could lend a hand if hormone therapy doesn't. I would dance to a different doctor.

Is it normal to bleed profoundly during birth control when your suppose to not have your extent?


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no its usual, id jump back 2 the doctors or conversion doctors

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I own to say that i disagree next to all these race, it was single today that i was chitchat to my mum about it saw that i get clots and i be worried and she said to me that she was surrounded by the bath and(don't imply to sound gross) but she have a very big blood clot come out of her and she be surprised but she has have it for years and she is fine, i think it happen to us all but only comes in different shapes and sizes. Hope that help. x

When i snezzed blood came out in a hurry?

Hi there , i really touch for you here , your docs dont seem to be tremendously sympathetic.
Im not a doctor , but i had/have endometriosis that resulted in a hysterectomy , howeveer nearby are many thingss you can try back you get to that , cant you a moment ago go to your doctors and simply ask to be referred to a gynaecologist ?
I used to be on for up to 10 days and have to wear 2 night time pad on top of respectively other , and theyd be done in a hour , torment and exhaistion was phenominal!
I be living off hardcore painkillers, andpassing adjectives manner of things.
It doesnt basically have to be that , it could be an infection or something your womb is trying to expel, otherwise your uterus lining could merely have gottena bit bulky and coarse i was once told , and they can solve that near a d n c as we call them here.
With endometriosis things only just continued to get worse , and i other had acne too
Clindamyacin i presume it is called as a topical solution is the simply thing that ever worked my unharmed life for the acne so on its own thats appropriate.
I am now a piece of a yahoo group called hormonally disturbed and they advocate use of a instinctive progesterone cream , although i havent tried it they seem to be have marvellous results next to it and it can be used for that kind of piece , however id win a proper diagnosis first.
Oh and to add i didnt in fact have it diagnosed until i be 34 even though they haqd looked for it before as i didnt other have those problems , it appeared ot acquire worse after my pregnancies too , although some say pregnancy can cure/ease it ...not for me...
Anyway , i sincerely hope you obtain something sorted some time soon , i dont envy you just presently , best of luck , just try to be assertive and fairly than ask for a solution , ask for and appointment with your gynaecologist
best of luck.

Yeast infection? Help!?

From the fluency that i have it is mundane to pass small clots during period because as soon as blood is exposed outside of the blody it starts to clot.
Its the same next to nose bleeds, its adjectives for clots to emerge during nose bleeds because of the exposure outside of the vessel, if they are very exceedingly large you should stir back to your doctor and hang on to going until the refer you onto somoene.
At the end of the afternoon clots are better out than in, im sure its zilch to worry around if you are worried see someone to put you mind at rest.
You could also do some reading on it from the internet or health books are the library or leaflets that you can find advert the doctors, it may be that your hormones are inbalanced cauing you spots and you pms, this could be easily fixed.
But similar to i said keep going to see your doctor until they refer u on, sometimes they want a kick surrounded by the bum to get the started on making referals and if you move about and go they'll do it contained by the end =)

Good lck near everything xx

Is there anything that i can buy or do to take home my boobs bigger? [without plastic surgery] like automatic stuff?

You could have fibroids. Insist on a referral and draw from this checked. Good luck.

Is this normal?

I too suffer from fatty periods, where on earth the first couple of days of my period are impossible and very embarrasing when at work. Dr refered me to hospital for ultrasound scan to see if fibroids be present. Still waiting on results. Keep on at the Dr until you are satisfied. NO WOMAN SHOULD SUFFER FROM HEAVY PERIODS. IT DOES AFFECT YOUR LIFE.

I freshly got my peroid and im to worried and embaresed to tell her what should i do?

Menstrual blood does not clot so I find it difficult to infer that doctors have calmed you! large clots should result within a gynaecology referral. I would go support to your GP and request this.

More than one pill in in the future?

You would do well to listen to Dr Frank on here- if anyone know he does. I agree with him- it is not commonplace for menstrual blood to clot- you need to see a different doctor and insist on seeing a specialist. To hold a problem like this is extremely tiring and it sounds as if something else needs medical attention sooner a bit than later.

About how much do you weigh when you first capture your period?

Hi Tabby - nope, not common! If the clots really are this big then (gross as it sounds) Id in actual fact collect one in a container and present it to a medical personage, either the GP or at A&E. You must be exhausted from this! Find another GP if this on isnt working on getting to the bottom the problem and apt luck xx

Skin thingy lol?

Maybe Danndie has a point. I also hold polycystic ovaries and symptoms are similar. I've been told it's more of a condition to some extent than an illness and have to be lived with. (Oh what's the betting the scientist studying that be a man). By the way your avator shares my solid name, I don't habitually meet others beside the same moniker. Take care. xx

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