What exactly is a miscarriage?

okay what exactly is one and wat do they do to the baby if u hold one? idk if this sunds stupid but i was of late wondering?

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Miscarriage is the crude or spontaneous end of a pregnancy at a stage where on earth the embryo or the fetus is incapable of surviving, generally defined in humans at a gestation of prior to 20 weeks. Miscarriages are the most adjectives complication of pregnancy. The medical term "spontaneous abortion" is used surrounded by reference to miscarriages because the medical permanent status "abortion" refers to any terminated pregnancy, deliberately induced or spontaneous, although in adjectives parlance it refers specifically to active termination of pregnancy.


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Its when your body intrinsically aborts a fetus.

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a miscarriage is when a pregnant woman loses her tot inside her.

Am i pregnant?

when you don't carry the child for full residence or when the mother's body rejects the fetus.

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You lose the baby back it gets to full permanent status and is born. The baby is limp.

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a miscarriage is when the woman is still pregnant and the baby dies contained by side of her(not exactly sure what they do with it)

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it is a spontaneous abortion. We immediately have a different consequence for abortion.
For whatever plea the placenta detaches from the uterine wall. the body the dispells it.
Part of it is sent to the lab in an attempt to find out what happened.
The rest is thrown away contained by biohazard trash.
Pretty nasty huh?

I involve help?

A miscarriage is the conclusion of a pregnancy when the fetus or embryo is unable to survive. The embryo a/o fetus usually pass, or can be surgically passed

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