Conraceptive pills?

does it really matter if you dont whip your pill at the exact same time everyday? i mean sometimes i bear mine at like 5pm and later the next hours of darkness forget and dont take it till 8pm. is this seriously wrong or is it ok?


Grr! Depo-provera is evil, never have another shot again. Can I get an IUD fitted while still on depo?

if they are combination pills (estrogen and progesterone), afterwards you do have a short time leeway as the hormones remain decisive in your body for up to 48 hours. if you are taking a progesterone-only pill, you MUST clutch it every 24 hours. even with a combination pill however, you should still bring it as close to every 24 hours as you can for maximum protection.

Why haven't I had my time in 3 years?

I did that and not one and only did it cause spotting but it weaken the effectiveness of the pill.

3 Questions bothering me (sorry if your feed up with me)?

Shouldn't be a problem as long as you are taking one everyday and you follow the chart in the birth control collection. If you are having a problem taking them everyday you should look into the shot call DEPO, it is a shot you get every three months for birth control instead of taking pills.

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It all depends on the timeframe involved. The reasoning bringing up the rear taking it at the same time everyday is so you remember to filch it, and so the drug maintains a stable concentration contained by your system and doesn't decrease the value. So lets say aloud you took your pill at 3pm yesterday, and you waited until 11 pm tonight to appropriate your next programmed dose, those 7 hours the amount of hormones in your body that hold regulated everything, are now lower contained by concentration. The problem being that if you desire to have "relations" at enunciate 10 pm, your chances of getting pregnant are increased. The pill is extremely decisive when used properly, but when doses are missed and lapses between dosages are increased, its efficacy go down.


It totally depends on the person and the pill. In my experience, a pill near less hormone have to be taken at the same time more. I didn't thieve my pill right on time (back up to that time I realized the pill made me CRAZY), and it wasn't a big entry. My sister took a pill will low amounts of hormones and within hours, she'd start spotting. I tend to contemplate that 3 hours is not a big deal at adjectives. A day or two, heck yeah! don't own sex if you don't take it for a light of day.

In your opinion do you prefer tampons or pad?

Yes, you need to embezzle it at the exact same time every day to be sure you're protected. You risk pregnancy when you forget and bear it the next afternoon.

If you take it hours following you also risk breakthrough bleeding.

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