Painful lump on my armpit?

I am a 15 year old female. I enjoy a dime sized painful lump on the bottom half of my right armpit. It is red and color and is intensely tender. I noticed i had one surrounded by the same spot about 2 weeks ago, but it go away after a week. Now it is back and at first it was red and tender, after it was just a lump, skin color, and not tender. About two days ago it turned red and tender again. When i touch it, it is very painful and it feel more of an oval shape. I can feel that it seems to shift deeper into the skin than just the surface. What could this be, what should i do and/or what can i do to help it?

Answers:    it could be a cyst or an ingrown down. honestly, i would have a doctor check it out because if its a cyst he might have to make a contribution you something for it. there really isnt anything out there to relief bumps or anything, but if it hurts really bad, you can take an ibprofen which is an torment med and also an anti inflammatory so it might help with the swelling. you can also try rime 15 min on 15 mins off, and that may also help. i hope you touch better! thats a terrible spot to be uncomfortable surrounded by!.
The best thing you can do is get it checked by a doctor. There's no use freaking yourself out earlier you know if its something bad or not. I just have a lump removed and it turned out to be fibrous tissue--nothing to worry about. But I be so scared it was cancer. in a minute that I know what it was, I can breathe and go on next to my life. good luck. It's not atypical to have sweat glands that become plugged and inflamed, especially if you use an antiperspirant. Try going without your deodorant or antiperspirant for a morning or two and apply hot compresses to the area. If that does not improve the situation, after you should see a doctor to make sure something more serious is not going on..
get it examined soon
may be some inflamaation in that?
or some malignant lymh node
better get it examined from a doctor
though no need to madness.
Did u recently shave your armpits? It is probably similar to an ingrown hair. If not, u should check w/ a doctor. I enjoy had this before and it be nothing:)

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