OK 1st time having rough sex and somethings wrong (down there)? assist?

i feel really embaressed and i dont know how to progress about this i dont wanna ask my mom cuz she'll construe im pregnate or something every time i go to tha bathroom (pee) i find blood after and you know when you really obligation to go n try to hold it that outlook you get that hurts and make you need to budge even more bad? that happenes and i still necessitate to go but its resembling something cuts it off ya know..

sustain! please
i wanna know whats goin on with me
its be happening since tha 5th of july


Can I be pregnant should I verbs?

sounds like it may be a urinary tract infection. run see a doctor, you need to, within case it is something worse. they will donate you antibiotics to clear it up. if your gonna have rough sex, embezzle a few precautions, several sex health websites, and cosmo magizine right to be heard that going to the bathroom and peeing after sex helps, also, drink cranberry liquid regularly or take cranberry tablets to assistance clean you out down here. drink lots of water to give support to flush you out, it will also help near the pain for a while. taking ibuprofen or tylenol does help for a while, but inorder to actually return with rid of whatever is going on, you WILL inevitability to go to the doctor

My bff have a seizure during her abortion,and she have never had a spasm before,why do you assume that happen?

what do you cosider rough sex?

Girlshelp me!?

sounds similar to a UTI

PMS sucks.?

your body is not fully developed yet

Does anybody know give or take a few vaginitis?

well i know you dont want to but going to the docter is you best bet. you dont want it to be serious. have you have period chitchat to doctor

Hi! i have a qestion in the order of implantation bleeding?

The feeling that you hold to go ability that you probably have a UTI urinary tract infection and you enjoy to go to the doctors so they can presribe you antibiotics. The blood is because your cervix have been hit frozen causing some blood to come out

Is it everyday for a women to urinate a little during a orgasm?

you fuked urself to tricky babe

Loose baby substance.?

may need to walk to docs hun sounds like you might enjoy a urine infection or kidney infection but auntibiotics will sort it try drinkin cranberrie juice that help too

Im scared and entail help!?

I suppose that you may a urinary tract infection. It can happen if you dont run to the restroom after sex.

How long will it take to conceive?

yep, honey - sounds close to a UTI, or a urinary tract infection. Not much to do about it except discuss to your mom and go see a doc for it to catch antibiotics.

What is the right weight for?

more than probable its a UT witch is not a STD nor STI dont get adjectives worked up about it. i would suggest that u dont hold sex till that bad sense is gone at leat not rough sex... u must see a doctor if your mom does find out at lest she shes that your taking charge and i know their is some thing wrong and ur not merely a dumb kid although she still might say that she will be proud of for taking charge.. angelic luck

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