Do u bleed the first time after or when u hold sex?

im a virgin but do u bleed the first time u have sex?
or after or wat?
can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN 2 ME?

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if your hyman is still intact you will (this is a membrane that stretches over the vagina) - it can break during exercise though, so yours may or may not be still within. don't worry almost it too much, shouldn't be much blood if it is still there x

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not everyone does, but copious do. minimal bleeding.

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you may not bleed at all. if your partenr pops your "cherry after you bleed but other wise you may not inless it is rough and he penetrates overpoweringly

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most of the time u bleed but in that r rare circumstances where on earth u dont bleed

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it can be any during or after. its from the hymen, a thin piece of skin tear or stretching to to happen. sometimes you do not bleed at adjectives. make sure your partner know that your a virgin and goes slow. and if you communicate him to stop he should. if he doesnt it could be considered rape.

Is it true that you have your extent three days later surrounded by march because february is a short month?

When the hymen is broken for the first time, yes, nearby's bleeding. Wait until you're older to be intimate; at hand are too many diseases going around to arbitrariness it.

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some woman bleeds for the first time af. having sex..some dont.

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My wife did bleed the first time we have sex. It was similar to a light time for about 2 days.

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It depends. Every womans body is different.

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Wait until you finish college to find out. School will enlighten you on so much of vivacity and its offers

Women please.?

Yes. But not alot. It freshly comes from tearing the hymen. Something to be precise inside of you.

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you bleed during, because your Hymen is breaking, (a diluted layer up contained by your vagina that is punctured when you own intercourse the first time--- which is the blood that comes during and after sex)
If you are talking going on for your period, that starts on its own when your 10-13. That will come every month on a cycle

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There's somewhat flap of skin called the hymen covering your vaginal crack. It varies within size from woman to woman, and some are thicker than others. When you have sex, this skin tears or stretches. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't. And yes, you can obtain a bit of blood (some people more than others). Usually it's some spotting. Sometimes, if the girl does profoundly of sports, the hymen can be stretched out or torn already. And some women have really small, lean hymen that you can't even notice and they have a feeling no pain the first time they own sex. And some women can have sex a few times previously it stops hurting.

It's different for all women. If you use a mirror, you'll be capable of find your own hymen.

Help me :-(?

Well, with women, it can transpire, but could be very minimal, more approaching pink fluid really, depends on the person and if it be brief or if it lasted longer, which roughly comes down to how the friction affects the skin of the genitals really.
But my opinion is dawdle, and don't do it at all, here are so many citizens that regret how their first time went and usually it be because it was next to someone or in a situation that wasn't worth it and can bring you emotional strain afterwards.
Also make sure you own protection, and consider one thing, if you aren't on the other hand ready to progress buy condoms or whatever, consequently you may want to consider you aren't yet organized to actually do it. And to be exact ok. Be sure to be yourself, no matter who say what, and it will work out, either track.

What brand of Pantiliner is best.?

i've heard you do, but i wouldn't know.

Am I gross?

yes some general public do

Female **?

Almost all of my friends and myself did, perchance 3 or 4 times after too. But it just depends on whether your hymen have already broken, you may have broken it using a tampon or doing sport.

What is pre ?

i don't know... you'l, find out when you enjoy it.

Hymen question.?

Most women/girls bleed the first time they/we own sex. This is due to the breakage of the hymen. Some girls, however, never develop a full hymen. They can still bleed, however, if the sex is too rough.

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