I am not sure am i right or not ?need some counsel from women please?

i am not sure am i right or not ?need some proposal from women please , i am 17 yr boy, i really like to wear sarees and girls dress , innerwear when i be alone ? i dont like my manhood ? i detest my pnis ? i really love vgina .how i can remove my pnis so i will enjoy similar to female ? is it compulsory to remove pnis with nuts mandatory, how i will get feminine sex vgina ? will i get bubs so i can wallow in my life really resembling female ? is within any problems which women has to obverse in their personel energy ? how i can rectify those problems if i become female ? please contribute me true answers please ...


I just have?

Do some research on a sex change surgery.


Is boob size really that esteemed?

You need to see a shrink and work on this sexual identity issue for starters. That is what you need to do first.

How can i go and get rid of fat sourounding my hips..not my tummy? please help me!?

You call for to seek some professional give support to immediately.

Sick want help?

I know someone around your age that have the same issues. His doctor have him change his outer appearance for a year previously he would even consider doing the surgery. He said it would give him a better conception if it was truly what he considered necessary. He had the operation and is remarkably happy near his decision. Have you talk to your parents? I'm sure it must be hard for you to be in motion through this. I hope everything works out for you. God bless.

Is it possible for girls get circumcised?

Many enjoy said SEE A DOCTOR. They are 100% right. If you'd rather be a woman than a man... you should know that YOU will not vary... you will be the SAME person you are in a minute. What you really need to look at is the adjectives. Are you getting a good training? Do you have a skill or trade that will support you? Happiness have little to do with SEX... manly or female! It have everything to do with penchant yourself and treating yourself as well as you'd treat somebody else. Soooo... first see a doctor that specializes surrounded by sexual matters. I will keep hold of you in my prayers. Hugs, Gina C.

Anyone else suffer PMS that make you the Queen of Mean?

i'd say be in motion see a physicolgist...

Does a brazillian wax hurt more than a genital piercing?

You don't need answers from a feminine..but from a doctor that specializes in sex transform.

Ladies, Unisex bathroom in dorm.what would you own done?

Well I'm proud to say that your plain about what gross u happy and specifically all that matter at this point. I notice that almost everyone didn't answer your interrogate at all so i will be honored to. Yes women step through so much from be sensitive, periods, breast droop in when we carry older, hormonal problems big time. We are never positive with are self because we other find something wrong with us until some of us convert things with surgery or a moment ago deal next to it like me. I abhor my weight but I will not agree to that control my life. So sweety swot up from are mistake and stand up high and be proud of yourself because it could be so much worst approaching: losing your arms in a accident, lost trance, smell or taste and so much more. Hey babe you have 1 year until your an developed then your competent to get the bubble rolling for now do your research. Please remember it's your natural life and you being bright and breezy makes the world stability. GOOD LUCK AND I HOPE U HAVE A DIVINE DAY.

Morning after pill?

The best would be for you to go speech to your parents about it and weigh your option very sensibly. What would happen after that will dictate your subsequent actions. Hope you'll find your true identity and be glowing.

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