Is something wrong with me? Please help out.?

I've had headache problems since finishing summer but they kindof eased up during spill out and winter.

I've been to the doctor a couple times, but she thought that it wasn't anything to stress over.

For olden times week I have be getting headaches everyday. One be really painful but the others weren't too horrible. I've also have a little bit of blood within my stool. Not very much, but plenty to notice.

Is near something wrong? Should I make another appointment next to a doctor?

Is it normal to drip blood into the toilet when on your spell?

You need to find another doctor and acquire another opinion. It could be that the headache are seasonal or allergy related but blood in the stool is zilch to mess around with. It could be from something you ate, an allergy or it irritated but you should own a complete physical to check things out more carefully since the headache have persist awhile.

I had a little one 9 months ago by c-section, I bled for 2mnths after, doc put me back on pill(microgynon-tabs)?

Get a second assessment like asap.

She is coneing home in 2 hours?

the headache could be allergy related =definitely yes ,see Dr about blood contained by stool

Painful sex?

Absolutely! You need to check that out right away! You could be getting chronic migraines, but (not to panic you,) you never know where a tumor might pop up! Try to seize something strong for your headaches.

What does an orgasm get the impression like?

Definitely see another doctor. Get a second inference. Blood in your stool sounds close to something serious. Get medical help quick.

Anyone else had bladder destabilized following childbirth?

Get another doctor right away!It could be something that the other doctors didn't know about or they missed it..please step get oblige!

55minutes late?

it could be stress or a brain tumor. u should obtain it scanned.


Headaches can be cause by minor problems
like eyestrain, deficiency of coffee or more serious reasons
close to head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
enjoy harmful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

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