Painful sex?

ive TRYED to have sex beside my bf twice. the 1st times for both of us. I just hurts so much, we've tryed different positions, and he only cant get contained by. he tryed fingering me, putting 2 fingers completely in was difficult and 3 fingers be just just about impossible. i dont even know which one is the right hole. whats wrong? what should we do?

I sweat really bad below my armpits, no matter what deordorant, it doesn't work. Any suggestions?

Don't verbs too much. I kept hurting until the 5th time i had sex beside my boyfriend. Definately keep trying different positions, but freshly allow yourself to get comfortable beside him and the experience. Also go REALLY slowly and perchance try some lube.

oh and if your not sure about the right hole, you might want to return with to know your body without your boyfriend. Nothing dirty, freshly you need to be aware of your body if you want to be comfortable near your boyfriend.

What can I do to my fairly big 'pot'?

1. Premarital sex is immoral
2. If it hurts dont do it.
3. you dont know what hole?

I dont deserve a thumbs down I dont cogitate its right to sleep with someone when at hand is no long term commitment. It is surrounded by the bible. Gosh people if she doesnt know what full shes probably 12 dont tell her what positions to use. Becoming pregnant than expected a single mom is not a good model.

Haven't gotten my period surrounded by 5 weeks. Pregnancy test is gloomy. What is going on?

Honey, until you are both old plenty to know what you are doing, you are better off simply waiting. Sounds like you are a short time ago too young.

When losing shipment do your breat get smaller?

When you are alone try the positions you are doing beside a dildo until you get comfortable.

Is in that a surgery that can make maw smaller or some kind of cream?

Women other have anguish the first few times. I read this awhile ago, this is also what my girlfriend and i did the first time, is the guy fingures the girl and brake her hymen. just hold him go slow and flowing the first few times and the pain will stop. and he should know what hole to dance in, if he doesnt, consequently the two of ya need to see some porn.

How long?

Depending on how old you are, I would say aloud give it up for awhile. But it does hurt the first few times. Also depending on his size it could other hurt a bit with him. If your really wanting to you could try a lubricant, hose based is the best benevolent, like Ky or something approaching that. But just pinch it slow, eventually you'll get used to it.
Side write down: I hurt me up until I got married, and presently that I have hormonal problems, it still hurts. :(

Do you enjoy to have a parent at the gynecologist?

Sometimes it can be difficult to acquire the penis in the first time or couple times. 2 foremost things is how much foreplay you guys do and how much lube u use. If you are also nervous, you're body will in fact reject him. You should be completely comfortable with him and you shouldn't be aware of nervous and you're body will more feasible allow him to enter you. If you guys haven't taken the time over the last couple weeks or months to finger yourself or hold him finger you to make you for a moment more open, you might not know how to have sex. It's not a rush. If you love respectively other, then you will give somebody a lift the time to not hurt yourself.

Face weight?

If you don't know what hole it go in you shouldn't be have sex.

Any tips to help me?

If you don't know what you're doing, especially beside the anatomy of your own body, you shouldn't be having sex contained by the first place. You should try waiting until you are both mature and equipped.

I'm going for my first pelvic exam soon what can i expect?

First I must say I be quite stunned to see this give somebody the third degree. It does not seem approaching you are old adequate to be having sex referring hindmost to your comments. And sounds like your boyfriend is stiill merely a child himself. What you should do is stop playing around here, this is really something you need to discuss next to, let's articulate, someone wiser and older than you...Quit trying to grow up so hurriedly, you will be there sooner than you cogitate.

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