Sperm within a womans body?
Just curious!
Answers: The main hope for sperm is to reach the fallopian tubes. A womans body is a biting environment for sperm. Most will be killed bad in the vagina and the uterus. Only the most resilliant will survive long satisfactory to reach the fallopian tubes. It's not so much the blood within the uterus that kills the sperm, but acids within the mucus. Most sperm is absorbed by the womans body. But anything that isn't would come out when the vagina and uterus cleans its self, any as normal discharge or mestration.
Up the tubes is where on earth they go.
As far as bleeding, it depends on the PH of your blood. When sperm enter a body it travels through the vagina into the uterus. Blood will not kill it, nor will it expel it. Urine will facilitate wash it out, but nil persay besides time will expel it from the body. It can survive inside for up to 7 days after having sex. Ok, I be pretty sure it went to the uterus within an attempt to fertilize any eggs that might be waiting there, but probably it goes through the fallopian tubes first.