Question Re: PMS?

Is it possible to experience anxiety rather than depression or moodiness during PMS? During the time when some general public claim to have PMS I hold anxiety, like, worries just about things I don't usually worry going on for. Could this be related to my cycle? I have in recent times noticed this olden times couple of years, and haven't really thought that I'd ever experienced PMS before.

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It is enormously possible to go through anxiety when you are going through PMS, i still go through it and i am 34. I go through adjectives the mood swings so don't think you are different ,every one will jump through something different in PMS .Toni

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yes i enjoy to take an anti anxiety med during my pms

Should I be worried?

yes, You are fine and comparatively normal

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Me too! I not one and only get anxious, I bring back cranky too.

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