What is the average time to lift sex contained by a 20 year hoary woman?
Answers: Ok. First, if you don't want to get pregnant, take on birth control. It doesn't make sense not to be on it if you are using the "verbs out" method which is basically the "carry pregnant" method.
Second, you're not addicted to sex. You just soak up it. Once a day is probably not an addiction.
oral you cant bring prego that way. I doubt you are addicted to sex. However, I urge you to procure on some kind of contraception. Whether it be pill or condom. If you be addicted to sex, just approaching an addiction to a drug, it would consume your entire life. All on a daily basis events, interactions with those, and normal comings and goings would have to pe planned around when you want sex. Being addicted to sex would consume adjectives that you do, and every thought. It is hard to focus on anything at adjectives. There are tests you can do online
Sex twice a daytime is not too often if both of you delight in it. Sex once a week is not too seldom if you both have low sex drives.
Get on Birth Control, the pill, the shot, or use condoms, but quit worrying. No one is commonplace :-)