I have need of to stop my length!?

I started my period yesterday morning. I read about ways to shorten and remove the colour my period. Like drinking lots of water, doing exercise, and ingestion right. I have also heard just about birth control but I can't do that. I actually want my period gone by this Friday. I don't know if it will be gone. So can anyone convey me anything else I should know about shortening it?

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No way to stop it since you own it.

Tampon time!

Stop letting your period get the better of you. Go out, own fun!

Whats birth control?

The only way is doing what you said, but you must drink really thaw out water to flush it out! Cold water will hold on to the tissues in your uterus.

Squeeze some tbsp.s of lemon juice into the hose down to flush it out too! Drink warm skim milk and dairy like melt cheese.

I'm not worried, but my mane keep breaking... is this middle-of-the-road?

there isnt really any way to stop it. but start drinking more sea and keep stressing out... that always works for me. and sometimes i miss my time of year overall when that happens. but dont exercise because thats just an excuse andd it could procure addicting

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without birth control, you cannot prevet or stop your period untimely.

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NOT possible. You body will stop when it's ready. Your body works on a cycle. Sorry but no way to shorten it.

Is it usual..?

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