3 months irregular period!!?

I got my period when i was 12 and im nearly 19 and they enjoy never been regular. ive have my periods for roughly 3-4 months straight now, creamy for bout a week or so each month and light-medium every other daytime, i went to the dr and he have ran some blood examination and referred me to the gyno, im still waiting to go see him. is near any other girls that have have this same problem or similar.

What ?oes it mean when you own no period for four months/?

A lot of my friends own had this problem, and a correct solution for them was to run on birth control. There are many types for you to choose from. They comfort with this problem because the hormones stop ovulation and thus you will not be have these long heavy period. My sister uses the pill, so she has a hurricane lantern period every 28 days, and for a long time I used the Depo shot and I didn't hold a period at adjectives (which is perfectly fine condition wise). So there are tons wonderful things for you to choose if you no longer want to suffer through long periods.

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