Running cause chest to grow?

I started running a few weeks ago and since then, it seem like my chest have gotten bigger, is running and growing connected or is it just pure growth

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it's just a co-incidence, running doesn't make happen growth.

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I give attention to its natural... I run and zilch happens... lol.

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I say raw

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Are you sure they've actually gotten bigger, or are they simply busting out of your bra more? If it's the latter, it's probably because they're stretching when you run. If it's the first thing, next it's most likely intuitive growth but perhaps by increasing your exercising you've increased the bloodflow to the fatty tissue nearby, causing your chest to attain a little bigger.

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don't know how old u are .possibly it's just growing cuz your not finished growing...but I hear if you don't have honest support when running they can sag net sure they don't start touching your knees...

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If it does, I'll bet we see thousands of small breasted women running approaching crazy! If you aren't wearing a very supportive, comfortable, but devout fitting running bra, it's possible you are stretching your breast muscles by the constant 'bouncing'. If you are small breasted to begin next to, and don't need the support, after I don't know what could be causing you to grow larger immediately, but I doubt it has anything to do near running.

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