Painful Burning Sensation?

yesterday, i had unprotected sex near my boyfriend, we do this quite habitually, but we actually gone a pair of thongs on me, and basically slid them to the side. Now last darkness and today, i have be having a bloody burning sensation when i urinate, or touch just inside my vagina. I am wondering if this have something to do with my panties one left on, or perchance because i wanst quite as lubricated as typical.

I dont think im supposed to be doing this.?

probably simply irritation from the friction of the thong rubbing against you. Use some a and d ointment and subsequent time....get out of those panties girl!

Shaving is a misery in the !!?

you could own thrush.... it sounds like you do.... merely go to chemist and find something for it or you can just put yogurt contained by your pants this clears it up...
the condition like warm and showery conditioned for to to grow! it sound close to you have it or it could be cystitis(bladder infection). if so drink cranberry liquid and lots of water. steal care and use a Johny!! BE SAFE!!

Why haven't I orgasmed?

call your doctor for an appointment or move about to the er that sounds like a uit. urinary tract infection. dont wear thongs til its cleared up as they bring fecal thing up to your vagina ans urethra opening

Growing problems!! (height)?

did the panties be in motion into ur vagina or not
it could be the lube but if the thong went into ur vagina later u may have a imprudent

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