Bad Period Pain!!?
What can i do?!!
How long does it purloin to lost little one plump on the belly?
Eat a Banana, run!Unusual aching during and after sex... why?
Heat a Bed-Buddy in the microwave for a couple of minutes and place in on your belly. Place a heat wrap pad (buy at rite aid,etc.) on your lower put a bet on. Take some potassium, avoid salt, and get your gyno to prescribe Torodol (sp?) or Ultram if you own graduated beyond Midol.UTI? Something else? Just a bit too worried, even though this have be going on for a while?
When I was a youth, I had bad cramps. I would be rolling on the floor. The simply thing that would help me be Midol and a heating pad. A heat pad really helps. ( I option men could have periods and cramps.).midol <3
Tubaligation tomorrow question give or take a few anesthesia?
Last hours of darkness i unsteadily in recent times splurted out adjectives this clear stuff i thought i have pissed myself?
Fast, assured ways too obtain rid of blackheads!?
How to identify the sexual intercourse is over at the first time?