Does sex hurt?

I mean imnot planning on doing it any time soon
but im curious

because in tv shows and movies they engineer it seem approaching such a great thing. You know close to the women want it and they enjoy it

but approaching ive read a lot of posts that girls post that read out things like sex hurts or i dont know why individuals even have sex, its so bloody.

i dont know so like when i do choose to hae sex does that miserable that im always going to be anguished.

please help

real answers only

Ok i have sex got my term right after could i be pregnant ando yea he used a condom and pulled out?

The first time it does if your hymen is still intact. It gets better after that.

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It is supposed to be a little aching the first few times. but over time the woman grows accustomed to it.

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I've read that a girl's first time hurts them because they are uneasy, insecure and their hymen is usually broken. But if a girl relaxes and learn to accept the certainty that she's having sex for the first time beside a man, then it can be pleasurable.

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It should be outlawed.

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i believe that the 1st time it's supposed 2 hurt

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Sex does not hurt and if it does then something is medically wrong that wants to be checked out by the doctor. The first time you have sex it can be humiliated but after that it does not hurt unless something is wrong.

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honestly, sex gets better the more you do it. The first similar to 10 times won't all be a blast similar to on the movies. And your first time will definately hurt! He has to split a hole in a piece of your flesh to procure inside of you to have sex.that's why it hurts and is mortified. Don't rush into sex, it's not going to feel flawless the first few times and it changes things

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It hurts the first few times b/c ur vagina is small and isnt use to something large put contained by it. But everyone (or a lot of most people) shift threw it so I think you could too. It is close to childbirth. You know it is very hurting but people do it anyway for a babe-in-arms.

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One of my good friends get married this spring. She and her husband both waited for marriage ceremony. She said that it did hurt a bit at first, but less as they continued. She also said that they weren't remarkably good at it at first, but in a flash improved. I construe that it was willing to help to her to know that she was protected and that they were markedly going to be together and work it all out, regardless of how the first few times go. I'm sure that they were still tense, but it helps to know that both relatives are in it together and aren't going to make available up just because it wasn't resembling the movies. They've both expressed that even though it's different, it's better...because they love each other and know that they own the rest of their lives for it (and for getting better hehe).

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Honestly YES!! The first few times it does hurt. But obviously not satisfactory to make us stop doing it. Of course if you aren't in position it will hurt more.

Be very honest beside your partner and if it is hurts too much have him stop or at leat slow down. Making sure you are equipped is the key.

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tv/movies exaggerate everything when it comes to relationships and the drama involved. Sex is a simple, natural conduct yourself, yet such a complicated issue. You will never forget your first. The first time is humiliated but it does not hurt. You might bleed a little. I suggest do your research (don't listen to hearsay) and loaf for love! Love is always better.

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Yes, it's adjectives it's hyped up to be. The first time might hurt a little bit... but it with the sole purpose gets better.

I be young when I lost my virginity. It's not something you can win back. Take your time, and share that first experience near someone you really care roughly. Sex is great, but it means so much more when you watchfulness about respectively other.

Embarassed to see a doctor.?

The first time it will if your hymen is still intact you may even bleed a little bit. but It get better after that.

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If it really does hurt that bad it is time to be checked out by a gynecologist. Something may be wrong.

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I am going to be completely honest with you the first few times are bleeding, and the day after the first time is soo doomed to failure I had awful cramps and I required to cry because it hurt. After about 6 times it is moral and that you actually want it and crave sex. it sounds close to another language to you at the moment but after you be in motion through it isn't that bad it is close to child birth you forget the pain because of the pleasure you catch in the back

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