Vaginal discharge?

I'm 14 and don't have my term, but I am still getting discharge and I hate it! Can I variety it stop, cause it's discomfited cause it feel like I am peeing in my pant and it stains my underwear.

Day 10 of my period, enjoy ?? for Women who have have this experience.?

Maybe you should go to the doctor. It could be several different reason why you haven't had your length yet. Thats if you niggardly you've never had it. Are you have sex? That may have something to do next to it. You may have a yeast infection. You should see your doctor honey. Thats the best I can relay you. Hope it gets better.

Brown.. extent?

This is just module of being a feminine unfortunately. It will lessen as you return with older. Until you start your term, you can use panty liners. My 14 year hoary niece had one and the same problem and used panty liners which help her a lot. This is only part of your body developing.

Free clinics in Tyler for women?

Wear a panty liner. It's colloquial and there is no process to stop it. It's how your bits stay healthy.

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Well its prominently going to come soon so to get used to it start wearing pad w/ wing because when you get your time of year you'll be ready and that should back with the underwear stains. Good Luck!

Why love is other painfull?

My guess is that your period is close to starting, and the discharge is without doubt normal, even if it seem too much.
I would wear a lightdays pantyliner if it is uncomfortable, so you can be aware of fresher, and don't have to verbs about staining you underclothes.
Don't verbs you're absolutely common!
Best wishes.

Is it necessary for the man and the woman to ?

Please don't ask these question here and go see a doctor. A discharge can be as simple as a yeast infection, but can also be a more serious infection...Have your parent(s) rota an appt. asap.
It's probably nothing too serious, but next again.most people answering here aren't doctors, (self included).


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That is very adjectives in most women. I know its not drastically comfortable but its part of one a woman. I like to use panty liner. They are really comfy and they keep your underwear from getting showery. Best of luck!

Pre period cramps, none all the same?

well it mostly tells you that you will take your period contained by 6 months and it also keeps it verbs down there

Girl Question!!?

It's only just your vagina cleaning itself out! You'll have it for the rest of your existence, and soon enough you will catch used to it. Every woman in the world have it, and to be honest, there is no mode to make it stop-but that's not so desperate! Remember, you're not alone in any style. It may mean that you will be starting your length soon-anywhere from a month, to several years. But don't worry nearly it. It's fine and normal.

Is it usual for vagina to smell?

it doesn't tell you when you will attain your period.-- you will enjoy discharge all of your vivacity. if it's itchy, burning, discolored or stinky- then you want to worry. otherwise your body is newly doing it's thing. use panty liner. save your frail stained panties for when you start your period- you'll need it.

What is the one item you didn't know about sex you choice someone had told you?

i own the exact same problem and it's awful. but i've gotten used to it mostly. i had my mom check it out to build sure that it wasn't anything bad (which it shouldn't be unless you are itchy or it smells really bad). the peeing the pant bit can't be helped, but when that happen it means profoundly is coming out so you should go to the toilet and whipe which will brand less of a stain. also panty liner would be good to wear, they can achieve uncomfortable but you will acquire used to this is well. best article to do is just gross sure you're clean down in attendance and do what makes you grain most comfortable but there is no path to stop it.

good luck!

Is this conventional?

SAMMEE! just wear pantyliners, they own saved me

((Girls Only))??

yeah I know it sucks. Part of self a girl tho...Just wear pantyliners of you don't have those lately use toilet paper!

I perceive something hard against my breast,is this regular?

Discharge is just the vagina's method of keeping itself healthy and verbs. You'll notice as you move about through your cycle the discharge will change. Some days within will hardly be any and other days, resembling when your ovulating there will be more. It can breadth from thick and white merely before and after your extent to clear and stretchy when your ovulating. Other times it can be slightly watery. If it ever itches you, is greenish within colour or has a desperate smell (usually fishy) you should see a doctor. Other than that it's all normal.
I can't stand that drizzly feeling any. On the days when your discharge is heavy or every afternoon if you wish wear a pantiliner to stay dry and fresh.

Birth Control Pill Question.?

um,please notify me how you can stop discharge?
and periods?

that would be a leading answer.

Anybody know when the new birth control pill LYBREL will be available?

Sorry :( you cant stop it! I know it is the BIGGEST backache isnt it! (of course nothing can be worse than a period) wear a pantyliner in your underwear so it'll back. you cant use a tampon.. tampons dont do that. sorry! i cant help you here.. but i have full religious conviction in you.
you can do it!!
use that pantyliner... it'll aid

I don't menstruate I have be to doctors and they can't find anything wrong?

One of the beautiful things more or less vaginas is that they are self-cleaning. A constant discharge is exactly this. It's your body's way of wash away all the things that build up inside it.

Imagine if our mouths be as effective at this as our vaginas. We wouldn't own to worry as much almost dental care.

I do hold two questions for you:

1) Does it truly stain your underwear in that it does not valet out? If so talk to your doc. It could be a few things.

2) Does it perceive like you enjoy to pee? Vaginal discharge should not involve the peeing sensations in anyway except for a small amount of wetness afterward. If you feel approaching you have to pee gossip to your doc. It could be a urinary tract infection.

Pediatricians are the best of doctors, imho. I really do long for those days. They choose to treat kids and teens to help. They are wonderful to discuss to and will respect your privacy even with your parents. It's occasional to find a pediatrician who doesn't want to help you even near the most commonplace questions. Trust me, it's much harder to find a doctor for adults that will truly invest the time a pediatrician will. Take ascendancy of this and learn as much roughly speaking your body as your doc will tell you in a minute.

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