Why love is other painfull?


About a period..?

Love is sweet and unfullfiled expectations are sensitive.Do not expect anything from the other person .....Just live contained by the sweet memories.I know it hurts alot. All I can say is try to indulge your self in different things and hold on to a practical out look towards life.THEN,
Ask yourself One who hurts you,Does he really Deserves you?

M sure you'll win your answer.

Cramps and a heavy flow, solution?

Its not if you find the right creature. Sometimes I feel similar to I love my boyfriend so much it hurts me. I love the feeling tho and zilch is better.

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because when its over it gives you heartache, when you're within it it gives you backache, and past it starts it gives you lonelyache.

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Anything worthy can be painful.

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not only love, life is tight, life is intensely painful, but theres also angelic times...yin and yang , levels this world out

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because its the strongest point there is surrounded by the whole world. Love can be so strong that it hurts someone. Its not other a bad item. Love can hurt you in different ways...when it ababandons you later it hurts in a unpromising way. When you love someone so much that it physcally hurts...after you're suppose to enjoy it. relish it while it lasts...which hopefully it will forever.

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On your own you can enjoy the greatest inner strength. When you fall contained by love you put yourself in a defenseless position. You are totally surrounded by the power of the person you love. On the one appendage it feels intensely nice, but on the other you are totally at the persons mercy. That is the throbbing side of love.

My period is coming and this may be trouble..?

to me love is an image that should be hindered very much. i believe one should not dribble in love because everything here world disppears and fades. you, your home and everything thats living and breathing right now within this earth will fade. you should be more concentrated on how u could breed ur own life better and try complicated to not fall contained by "love" because you HAVE to depend on another to make u bullish. humans are naturally evil and they do evil things, one could sprawl to u simply to have sex beside you only next after they go on to the subsequent partner, ALL humans are evil and they all do desperate things that do others will not find to be good. to me, intimacy is what love is adjectives about and intimacy to me is zilch but biological impulses flowing through your mind, body and vein in direct to do what this mechanism we are adjectives born with (by workings i mean ur body) to do... which is to reproduce. so i cogitate love is probably just something ur mind plays tricks on because its tries so firm to do what it naturally does...which is to reproduce and u crash down in love because it give ur warmth comfort etc which i believe is something cleverly nurture to you from your mind just to reproduce... so to me love is purely impluses feed from ur body and u gotta swot to chop those urges off or adjectives those bad droggy inner health u might get because its purely ur biology doing that stuff in order to clinch onto others...i dont know

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