What's wrong near me!!LADIES HELP. menstration problem.?

I started my first period contained by G5. Then, it just come erratically for like partially a year once or even a year. I'm Grade 9 now and it's still not steady. Among my friends, i'm the with the sole purpose one who is not normal. I wonder if i enjoy any problems. Im still a virgin, but, i masturbates. So, help!. im so worried. What should i do??

Answers:    Well, it's not unusual for your length to be irregular at first. However after four years, you might want to talk to your mom around it and see if she thinks you should see a gynecologist. If you aren't sexually stirring, I wouldn't be too concerned about it, although I'm sure you'd close to to have a better impression of when it would arrive! It's nothing to foreboding, though. Not all women get hold of their period close to clockwork.

Masturbation has nought to do with it.
I be never "steady". And I'm in my 40's. It's typical for some women to have irregular period. You could try going on the contraceptive pill as that helps regulate your length and they become painless most of the time.
Try going to see your doctor if you want more information about it or you want to walk on it.
Being a virgin and masturbating doesn't have any pose on your periods. Just so you know. :P

Some girls do find that they hold a single menstrual 'episode' around a year before they start 'properly' and own regular periods, and some find that it take a long time for their periods to even themselves out. Usually it's something that settles down eventually, but as this have been going on for a few years for you, I'd suggest you see your GP simply to get checked out. I don't know, bad the top of my head, of any specific problems that irregular period at your age would signify, and I wouldn't want to burden you with worrying more or less such problems even if I did. Best thing to do is see your doctor; he/she will know how to put your mind at rest.
Go to the doctor.
it could be as simple as you not getting enough iron. you can pick up some iron tablets at the chemist, or lately try eating foods that are rich within iron (red meat).

It could be anything tho. its embarassing to go to the doctor but would you fairly do something about it or not not what the course of it is and maintain worrying yourself.

good luck.
Relax and trust your body to nick care of this nusiance. That is your bodies profession, right. Sometimes it just take longer than others. I would suggest you just adopt it. Please don't take the pill, it is soooo impossible for you and women just don't hold the info. email me if you want to know more. Carry a stash of period protection next to you at all times may be a devout idea.

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