Is it sheltered for someone with shortened Achilles tendons to hoof it around barefoot?

My girlfriend has shortened Achilles tendons from wearing elevated heels excessively since she was 15 (she is 20 now). If you read my previous cross-question, you would know that we still haven't decided on a liberating method, if any.

Oddly enough, she DOES resembling to be barefoot and she's always within bare foot at home. Because of her shortened tendons, she must walk on tiptoe. She insists that tiptoeing barefoot is greatly comfortable, however.

So I'd like to ask you whether it's undamaging for her to do so. Thanks!

Incidentally, this is one factor that will influence our decision whether to actively desire some therapy or keep hold of things the way they are.

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It isn't extremely dangerous to do so, but it will verbs to add to how tight her tendons are. Its pretty much impossible not to stride around on your tiptoes if your tendons get too tight. I use to hold shortened Achilles tendons when i was young at heart but I had it operate on and now I wander perfectly fine.

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It would give support to her if she could gradually swot to walk flat footed while contained by her bare foot. Tip toeing isn't going to stretch anything out. But the aspect of bare foot should be fine.

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