Odor down there. facilitate!?

i've had this problem for some time very soon but havent really done anything about it. i enjoy a mild odor down there. sometimes when i friendly my legs, to sit or something, i can smell it. im not dirty and i bathe everyday, and sometimes if i dont own time to bath sooner or later, i use feminine wipes and verbs myself but they dont seem to trademark it go away. i dont assume i have an infection because i occasionally get an itch [when i do catch an itch i have this prescription cream that make it go away] and my discharge is white and amazingly little. the only problem i hold is the smell. is there anything i can buy to variety it go away. and i dont douche.


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Well, it depends on what species of odor you have..Normally, some sort of an odor is expected, normally described as musky in books, some christen it a salty seawater odor.. Nevertheless at hand is no real approach to describe it because every woman has her own humane of odor, depending not only on hygeine but also on food obsession. Considering, the kind of sanitary customs you have, I dont regard as it is any kind of infection. You are merely 15, so I'm guessing all this is fairly new to you and you I don`t know unaccustomed to your own odor.
However a "fishy" odor is generally thought to be indicative of bacterial infection. This I don`t know caused by underclothing that do not allow nouns to circulate "down there", or excessive sweating.
So try to understand, what character of odor it is. If you find it unduly bothersome, try cotton/ non-synthetic/ non-spandex underclothing. However, if the smell still bothers you, then try visit a gynaecologist, just to confirm if surrounded by fact you enjoy a problem.

:-) until then, best of luck next to growing up and discovering the various nuance of you body with time.

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The odor is middle-of-the-road, dont mess with trying to capture rid of it because you could end up beside an infection.

What is the best tampon to use?

Try panty liners, they hold odor protection. They're thin and you scarcely feel them and if you do hold discharge it catches it.

Good Luck I own the same problem as very well as these worked wonders.

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It could be a yeast infection. Go to a doc again and ask them.

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Normal. That area does not usually smell remarkably good.

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Yeast infection most promising, go to the Dr. first, given your age, later he/she can tell you more.
And don't listen to these general public saying it's "normal". It's not normal to hold an odor from "down there". It's not suppose to smell like fish or anything else. And if kept verbs, and infection free, acutually has a nice aroma.

Labia Minora(inner mouth of the vagina)?

umm...that has happen to me to and I am 15 as well. I own heard its common and it happens to most women...hopefully I hear correctly ot we are just a couple a freaks and contained by that case we should start a club. Odorsanon

How come i sweat so much?

Wear cotton underware. The others can oblige cause yeast infections because of the moisture. Cotton allows you to breath wear the other types of underwear (thongs are indisputable bad) don't allow your body to breath. Talk to your mom also, she may need to pocket you to the doctor just incase.

Plz girlz solely?

u have a hormone inequality, you can buy a ph adjuster at walmart(about $13 by the tampons) or go to your gyno and enlighten her. as long as its a fishy smell with no drainage or clearish drainage its merely imbalanced. expecially if you douche. if you use tampons did you remove every one? if you have sex...it could b tricha monous(sp) which is greenish discharge and one which you stipulation an antibiotic for. dont EVER be shy about going to the gyno, i can share you as a nurse, there is NOTHING we havent see and we dont care, as long as your ok.

Why is that..?

You are aware of it so it seem stronger to you. Maybe it is not noticeable and seriously, it could be sweet to 'someone'. I repeat that I am not self sarcastic, that odour may appeal to the disparate sex...

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It's normal to see a musky odor, expecially at your age. It's partially related to your age, and will most potential fade as you get elder. Cleanliness is only one quantity of the equation for control. Other things that can help are wearing adjectives cotton undies, rather than the nylon sort near a cotton patch sewn in the crotch. A medicated body powder may also assistance some, as it will help control some of the germs which add to the odor trouble. Otherwise, you most predictable are the only one who notice it, which would also be normal given your age. You are purely more sensitive right now to your body and odors surrounded by general, and more self conscious. The discharge is also conventional, and can be handled glibly with a deoderant panty liner. You simply put one on when you seize dressed, and can change it as normally as you need to during the light of day. And don't douche, no matter what. It's really not well-mannered for you to do on a regular basis, and when needed you should be using a vinegar/water or medicated douche lone. Neither of those smell particularly wonderful, and are expected for helping with infections. They can incentive as many problems as they can give a hand, so unless they are recommended by your doctor, they aren't really useful. I assure you, you are immaculately normal and this isn't anything you can't toy with with a pantyliner, body powder, baths and of late ignoring the rest. It will adjust contained by time as you mature.

Ladies is this conventional?

it could be a bacterial infection. you can get the cream at your gynocologist.

Help!!------scared------can i be pregnant?

You nouns like you're doing adjectives the right things to help combat the 'odor' you interest coming from between your legs. You're not alone. Many women have matching challenge. By the instrument, some women falsely believe that douching is a pious thing, and that by douching, they'll attain rid of the odor. In the past, various women douched regularly. Fortunately, we've learned that douching isn't really called for, if you do all the great behaviors you describe. There are some products that are specifically sold to address the odor. Generally they are aerosol sprays that you can find effective the feminine products. I think (?) at hand was a Summers Eve powder spray (not sure of the name). Another request for information. What kind of panties do you wear? Make sure the crotch of your underwear is COTTON, not nylon. Cotton absorb moisture; nylon doesn't. You might also consider using pantie liners contained by your underwear and changing them when they become moist. You can also try using child powder in-between your legs when you dress surrounded by the morning to also help engage moisture. Keeping the area as dry as possible will minister to. You'll probably never be able to 'draw from rid' of the odor, but rather a short time ago treat the 'symptom' or 'end result'.

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I wouldn't recommend douching since it uses vinegar. Vinegar is a mild sour, which is why it reacts when mixed near baking soda... which is a base. Your vaginal fluids are original (like baking power) in nature. Adding an acerbic like vinegar to your body will neutralize your foundation, thereby making it possible for a yeast infection to develop.
Some smell is only automatic. However, you might help this by trimming or shaving your pubic region, since pubic hair can catch and hold your musk.
Another possibility is if you're have unprotected sex. Some men's sperm will make a woman smell totally bad. It depends on their diet and the bitterness of their sperm as to how it will 'putrefy' inside of you. Unless you're rinsing out your vagina after sex, then you're bound to still own some in in attendance. However, I wouldn't recommend that considering how vital your PH go together is... it protects you against infection (like yeast).
Another possibility is your 'toys'. If you're a single lady doin' it for yourself and you've get BOB... the Battery Operated Boyfriend, then probably you're not cleaning it well ample or not using the right kind of toy. Certain BOBs are more feasible to sustain bacteria due to their textile. The most hygienic of any sex toy is glass. So maybe it's only a situation of getting a better grade toy.

I necessitate some advice roughly speaking gyn?

Maybe you can try 'Manjakani' (Oak Gall) products. It helps to remove the unpleasant odor as powerfully as excessive discharge.

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