Why is that..?

y is that having sex near sum1 hurts girls..? im curious.. i dont have an experience.. do sex manner losing ur virginity.. or there are other sex that u cant lose ur virginity?


Why isn't terbutaline approved by the FDA for stopping preterm labor?

Sex scheme a mans penis enter a womens vagina. That's the only course you can lose your virginity.

You have alot to cram sweetie.

As for it hurting, your vagina has a small hole and take awhile to get used to a penis i.e. bigger than that hole, to go inside it.

Go to wikipedia.org and type things similar to 'virginity' 'sex' and things you want to know. They will give u acurate answers that will relieve you, and it's safe and prompt and it loads fast.

Search 'STD'S' which are sexual transmitted dieses, and also things similar to 'masturbating' and such and learn adjectives about exalted sexual things, as this will clue you up.


I dun want to get pregnant?

are u a unadulterated person asking an fully developed question or is this a kid? You sound close to a child why don't u ask your imaginary friends these question, your to young to receive a responds anyways

Got my time a week early,on birth control for 1 yr &never have irregular period- not pregnt, what could it be

how old r u ?

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