Can you narrate who is having sex by their person?

I found this study online that says researchers can. Please read article since answering.

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I read the article, but it doesn't read aloud that scientists can tell whether you're have sex or not. It mentions promiscutity, or sleeping around, tends to run surrounded by people who are downcast agressive. It has nought to do with whether you can share if someone is having sex or not, a moment ago personality types that tend to be promiscuous.

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Well I Skimmed the article ... and i dont see how from a persons sense of self it could be possible ... im very outgoing myself .. and when ever my friend bring up virginity im alwayz close to .. so do you think im a virgin .. mostly the guess is no im not one .. but yes i am one .. so even inhabitants who know you well cant give an account .. how could researchers? .. bottom line no i dont ponder you can tell

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