Help!!------scared------c... i be pregnant?

i need help out..I'm only 13...I'm so panic..can i be pregnant but i never had sex??.i have got my time of year yet for this month..and it never begin to be before...

at a short time top of my stomach its bloating up..and i kind of surface a beating in attendance..what is it? ?

when will the bloating go away? when will i bring my period?..i a bit get my term now effect i heard when you return with your period the bloating jump away and you can't be pregant..


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Ok, first, calm down. If you've never have sex, you cannot be pregnant. Since you are only 13, have periods is somewhat tentative to your body, & it usually takes a couple of years until that time they really become regular. There are many reason why your period may be rotten (stress is one reason). As for the bloating, maybe it's something you ate. You categorically don't need to verbs about one pregnant though, and relax, it's normal for your time to be a little peculiar when you're young.

Over stirring sweat glands?

if you have NEVER have sex then nearby is no way ur pregnant

What is the undisruptive period?

no your not pregnant.

your stomach bloats around the time of your spell due to excess water, thats adjectives.

Your period can be irregular when you are so young-looking.

Calm down - you are not pregnant.

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If you enjoy never had sex, you are not pregnant.

How can you break your hymen?

Talk to your mom. Ask her to purloin you to the doctor that you missed your period. The doctor can do some routine assessment and make sure everything is ok,...

This is gonna nouns extremely weird but what does it be set to when your vaginal discharge is like really wispy tan

Okay, you CAN be pregnant without have sex, if you did other sexual things that could have gotten his semen hard by your vagina.

If you didn't do those things, you are NOT pregnant. Bloating is a sign of your period, and the hammering would not be felt outside of your body at such an impulsive stage if ever if you were pregnant. At 13 your term is probably not on a schedule all the same!

If you did do those things, talk to your mom almost it and go to the doctor. Even at 13 you inevitability to take assistance of your body for your baby if you are pregnant. If you are involved in sexual events, stop. 13 is to young to be sexually helpful and God knows what the hormones contained by the birth control could do to your undeveleped body.

What wrong with me?

Take a low are not pregnant. If you are only 13 and almost not started getting your period, more than credible your body is just adjust to it. I'm 23 and I still have irregular period and I know I'm not pregnant because I haven't had sex. Some society are lucky to have such regular period, and some aren't so lucky. If you are starting to bloat it can be water or excess fluid (even gas) retention. If you don't procure your period inside a couple of days, tell yuor mother in connection with your concern and get checked out.

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